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Report Files Directory

The report files are produced by the SANDAG travel model.

External-External Model Trip List (.\eetrip.csv)

Field Description
tripID unique identifier of trip
departTimeFiveTod trip departure time ABM five time of day period
originTAZ trip origin TAZ
destination TAZ trip destination TAZ
tripMode trip mode
valueOfTimeCategory trip value of time category
transponderAvailable boolean indicator of toll transponder availability on trip
avUsed boolean indicator of autonomous vehicle usage on trip
weightTrip weight of record to use for trip metrics
weightPersonTrip weight of record to use for person trip metrics
timeDrive time (minutes) travelled using auto mode(s) on trip (excluding transit access/egress), if applicable
distanceDrive distance (miles) travelled using auto mode(s) on trip (excluding transit access/egress), if applicable
costTollDrive cost ($) spent on auto mode(s) tolls on trip (excluding transit access/egress), if applicable
costOperatingDrive cost ($) spent on auto mode(s) operation (gas/maintenance/fees) on trip, if applicable
timeTotal time (minutes) travelled on trip
distanceTotal distance (miles) travelled on trip
costTotal cost ($) of trip

External-Internal Model Trip List (.\eitrip.csv)

Field Description
tripID unique identifier of trip
departTimeFiveTod trip departure time ABM five time of day period
originTAZ trip origin TAZ
destination TAZ trip destination TAZ
tripMode trip mode
valueOfTimeCategory trip value of time category
transponderAvailable boolean indicator of toll transponder availability on trip
avUsed boolean indicator of autonomous vehicle usage on trip
weightTrip weight of record to use for trip metrics
weightPersonTrip weight of record to use for person trip metrics
timeDrive time (minutes) travelled using auto mode(s) on trip (excluding transit access/egress), if applicable
distanceDrive distance (miles) travelled using auto mode(s) on trip (excluding transit access/egress), if applicable
costTollDrive cost ($) spent on auto mode(s) tolls on trip (excluding transit access/egress), if applicable
costOperatingDrive cost ($) spent on auto mode(s) operation (gas/maintenance/fees) on trip, if applicable
timeTotal time (minutes) travelled on trip
distanceTotal distance (miles) travelled on trip
costTotal cost ($) of trip

Loaded Highway Network Shape File (hwyLoad.shp (.\hwyload.shp))

Field Description
hwycovid unique identifier of highway link
link_name link name
len_mile link length (miles)
count_jur count jurisdiction code
count_stat count station number
count_loc count location code
ifc initial functional class
ifc_desc initial functional class description
ihov link operation type
itruck truck restriction code
post_speed posted speed limit
iway one or two way operations
imed median type
from_node A node number
from_nm cross street name at from end of link
to_node B node number
to_nm cross street name at to end of link
total_flow total vehicle flow
abTotFlow AB directional vehicle flow
baTotFlow BA directional vehicle flow
ab_vmt AB directional vehicle miles travelled
ba_vmt BA directional vehicle miles travelled
vmt total vehicle miles travelled
ab_vht AB directional vehicle hours travelled
ba_vht BA directional vehicle hours travelled
vht total vehicle hours travelled
ab_ea_flow AB directional vehicle flow for ABM early am time period
ba_ea_flow BA directional vehicle flow for ABM early am time period
ab_am_flow AB directional vehicle flow for ABM am peak time period
ba_am_flow BA directional vehicle flow for ABM am peak time period
ab_md_flow AB directional vehicle flow for ABM midday time period
ba_md_flow BA directional vehicle flow for ABM midday time period
ab_pm_flow AB directional vehicle flow for ABM pm peak time period
ba_pm_flow BA directional vehicle flow for ABM pm peak time period
ab_ev_flow AB directional vehicle flow for ABM evening time period
ba_ev_flow BA directional vehicle flow for ABM evening time period
abAutoFlow AB directional vehicle flow for autos (sov, sr2, sr3)
baAutoFlow BA directional vehicle flow for autos (sov, sr2, sr3)
abSovFlow AB directional vehicle flow for single occupancy vehicles
baSovFlow BA directional vehicle flow for single occupancy vehicles
abHov2Flow AB directional vehicle flow for high occupancy (2 persons) vehicles
baHov2Flow BA directional vehicle flow for high occupancy (2 persons) vehicles
abHov3Flow AB directional vehicle flow for high occupancy (3+ persons) vehicles
baHov3Flow BA directional vehicle flow for high occupancy (3+ persons) vehicles
abTrucFlow AB directional vehicle flow for trucks
baTrucFlow BA directional vehicle flow for trucks
abBusFlow AB directional vehicle flow for preloaded bus
baBusFlow BA directional vehicle flow for preloaded bus
ab_ea_mph AB directional loaded speed (miles/hour) for ABM early am time period
ba_ea_mph BA directional loaded speed (miles/hour) for ABM early am time period
ab_am_mph AB directional loaded speed (miles/hour) for ABM am peak time period
ba_am_mph BA directional loaded speed (miles/hour) for ABM am peak time period
ab_md_mph AB directional loaded speed (miles/hour) for ABM midday time period
ba_md_mph BA directional loaded speed (miles/hour) for ABM midday time period
ab_pm_mph AB directional loaded speed (miles/hour) for ABM pm peak time period
ba_pm_mph BA directional loaded speed (miles/hour) for ABM pm peak time period
ab_ev_mph AB directional loaded speed (miles/hour) for ABM evening time period
ba_ev_mph BA directional loaded speed (miles/hour) for ABM evening time period
geometry linestring geometry of highway link

Loaded Highway Network by ABM Five Time of Day (hwyload_<>.csv) (.\hwyload.csv)

Field Description
ID1 unique identifier of highway link
AB_Flow_PCE AB directional flow passenger car equivalents
BA_Flow_PCE BA directional flow passenger car equivalents
AB_Time AB directional loaded travel time (minutes)
BA_Time BA directional loaded travel time (minutes)
AB_VOC AB directional volume to capacity
BA_VOC BA directional volume to capacity
AB_V_Dist_T AB directional length
BA_V_Dist_T BA directional length
AB_VHT AB directional vehicle hours of travel
BA_VHT BA directional vehicle hours of travel
AB_Speed AB directional loaded speed
BA_Speed BA directional loaded speed
AB_VDF AB directional volume delay function
BA_VDF BA directional volume delay function
AB_MSA_Flow AB directional average of iterations flow
BA_MSA_Flow BA directional average of iterations flow
AB_MSA_Time AB directional average of iterations loaded travel time
BA_MSA_Time BA directional average of iterations loaded travel time
AB_Flow_SOV_NTPL AB directional flow for drive alone non-transponder low value of time vehicle class
BA_Flow_SOV_NTPL BA directional flow for drive alone non-transponder low value of time vehicle class
AB_Flow_SOV_TPL AB directional flow for drive alone transponder low value of time vehicle class
BA_Flow_SOV_TPL BA directional flow for drive alone transponder low value of time vehicle class
AB_Flow_SR2L AB directional flow for shared ride 2 low value of time vehicle class
BA_Flow_SR2L BA directional flow for shared ride 2 low value of time vehicle class
AB_Flow_SR3L AB directional flow for shared ride 3+ low value of time vehicle class
BA_Flow_SR3L BA directional flow for shared ride 3+ low value of time vehicle class
AB_Flow_SOV_NTPM AB directional flow for drive alone non-transponder medium value of time vehicle class
BA_Flow_SOV_NTPM BA directional flow for drive alone non-transponder medium value of time vehicle class
AB_Flow_SOV_TPM AB directional flow for drive alone transponder medium value of time vehicle class
BA_Flow_SOV_TPM BA directional flow for drive alone transponder medium value of time vehicle class
AB_Flow_SR2M AB directional flow for shared ride 2 medium value of time vehicle class
BA_Flow_SR2M BA directional flow for shared ride 2 medium value of time vehicle class
AB_Flow_SR3M AB directional flow for shared ride 3+ medium value of time vehicle class
BA_Flow_SR3M BA directional flow for shared ride 3+ medium value of time vehicle class
AB_Flow_SOV_NTPH AB directional flow for drive alone non-transponder high value of time vehicle class
BA_Flow_SOV_NTPH BA directional flow for drive alone non-transponder high value of time vehicle class
AB_Flow_SOV_TPH AB directional flow for drive alone transponder high value of time vehicle class
BA_Flow_SOV_TPH BA directional flow for drive alone transponder high value of time vehicle class
AB_Flow_SR2H AB directional flow for shared ride 2 high value of time vehicle class
BA_Flow_SR2H BA directional flow for shared ride 2 high value of time vehicle class
AB_Flow_SR3H AB directional flow for shared ride 3+ high value of time vehicle class
BA_Flow_SR3H BA directional flow for shared ride 3+ high value of time vehicle class
AB_Flow_lhd AB directional flow for light heavy duty truck vehicle class
BA_Flow_lhd BA directional flow for light heavy duty truck vehicle class
AB_Flow_mhd AB directional flow for medium heavy duty truck vehicle class
BA_Flow_mhd BA directional flow for medium heavy duty truck vehicle class
AB_Flow_hhd AB directional flow for heavy heavy duty truck vehicle class
BA_Flow_hhd BA directional flow for heavy heavy duty truck vehicle class
AB_Flow AB directional flow
BA_Flow BA directional flow

Loaded Highway Network File (hwytcad.csv)

Column Name Description
ID Unique identifier assigned to each model run
HWYSegGUID Highway segment globally unique identifier (GUID)
Length Length of link in miles
Dir Link direction where: 0 = Center City Walk Links, 1 = Northbound, 2 = Westbound, 3 = Southbound, 4 = Eastbound
hwycov-id:1 SANDAG-assigned link ID
SPHERE Jurisdiction sphere of influence
NM Street name
FXNM Program assigned cross street name at the FROM end of the link
TXNM Program assigned cross street name at the TO end of the link
AN A node number
BN B node number
ASPD Adjusted link speed in mph
YR The year the link opened to traffic
PROJ Project ID in the regional roadway network
FC Roadway functional class where: 1 = Freeway, 2 = Prime Arterial, 3 = Major Arterial, 4 = Collector, 5 = Local Collector, 6 = Rural Collector, 7 = Local (non-circulation element) Road, 8 = Freeway Connector Ramp, 9 = Local Ramp, 10 = TAZ Connector, 11 = Rail Line, 12 = Bus Street, 99 = Walk Links, Transfer Links or Center City Walk Links
FFC Federal functional class where: 0 = everything else other than 1, 2, and 9; 1 = Interstate Freeway; 2 = Other Freeway or Expressway; 3 = Principal Arterial; 4 = Minor Arterial; 5 = Major Collector; 6 = Minor Collector; 9 = Not Classified
HOV Roadway Operation Restriction where: 1 = General Purpose; 2 = 2+ HOV (Managed lanes if toll >1); 3 = 3+ HOV (Managed lanes if toll > 1); 4 = Toll Lane
EATRUCK Early AM Truck Restriction where: 1 = All Vehicle Classes, 2 = HHDT Excluded, 3 = MHDT & HHDT Excluded, 4 = LHDT, MHDT & HHDT Excluded (All Trucks), 5 = HHDT Only, 6 = MHDT & HHDT Only, 7 = LHDT, MHDT & HHDT Only (Truck Only)
AMTRUCK AM Truck Restriction where: 1 = All Vehicle Classes, 2 = HHDT Excluded, 3 = MHDT & HHDT Excluded, 4 = LHDT, MHDT & HHDT Excluded (All Trucks), 5 = HHDT Only, 6 = MHDT & HHDT Only, 7 = LHDT, MHDT & HHDT Only (Truck Only)
MDTRUCK Midday Truck Restriction where: 1 = All Vehicle Classes, 2 = HHDT Excluded, 3 = MHDT & HHDT Excluded, 4 = LHDT, MHDT & HHDT Excluded (All Trucks), 5 = HHDT Only, 6 = MHDT & HHDT Only, 7 = LHDT, MHDT & HHDT Only (Truck Only)
PMTRUCK PM Truck Restriction where: 1 = All Vehicle Classes, 2 = HHDT Excluded, 3 = MHDT & HHDT Excluded, 4 = LHDT, MHDT & HHDT Excluded (All Trucks), 5 = HHDT Only, 6 = MHDT & HHDT Only, 7 = LHDT, MHDT & HHDT Only (Truck Only)
EVTRUCK Evening Truck Restriction where: 1 = All Vehicle Classes, 2 = HHDT Excluded, 3 = MHDT & HHDT Excluded, 4 = LHDT, MHDT & HHDT Excluded (All Trucks), 5 = HHDT Only, 6 = MHDT & HHDT Only, 7 = LHDT, MHDT & HHDT Only (Truck Only)
SPD Link speed in mph
WAY One or two way link indicator where: 1 = One-way link, 2 = Two-way link
MED Median type where: 1 = No median, 2 = Raised or fixed median, 3 = Continuous left turn center lane
COST Cost associated with the link
ABAU Number of auxiliary lanes in the FROM-TO direction
ABCNT Intersection control type at the TO end of the link: 0 = No Control, 1 = Traffic Signal, 2 = All-Way Stop Sign, 3 = Two-Way Stop Sign, 4 = Ramp Meter, 5 = Ramp Meter with HOV lane meter, 6 = Light Rail Crossing, 7 = Toll Booth, 9 = Prevent Control
ABTL Intersection approach through lanes at the TO end of the link: 0~4 = number of through lanes, 7 = Free, 8 = Prohibited, 9 = No dedicated lane for the movement
ABRL Intersection approach right-turn lanes at the TO end of the link: 0~2 = number of through lanes, 7 = Free, 8 = Prohibited, 9 = No dedicated lane for the movement
ABLL Intersection approach left-turn lanes at the TO end of the link: 0~2 = number of through lanes, 7 = Free, 8 = Prohibited, 9 = No dedicated lane for the movement
ABGC Intersection green-to-cycle ratio at the TO end of the link (%)
ABPLC Per-lane capacity per hour in the TO direction of the link
BAAU Number of auxiliary lanes in the TO-FROM direction
BACNT Intersection control type at the FROM end of the link: 0 = No Control, 1 = Traffic Signal, 2 = All-Way Stop Sign, 3 = Two-Way Stop Sign, 4 = Ramp Meter, 5 = Ramp Meter with HOV lane meter, 6 = Light Rail Crossing, 7 = Toll Booth, 9 = Prevent Control
BATL Intersection approach through lanes at the FROM end of the link: 0~4 = number of through lanes, 7 = Free, 8 = Prohibited, 9 = No dedicated lane for the movement
BARL Intersection approach right-turn lanes at the FROM end of the link: 0~2 = number of through lanes, 7 = Free, 8 = Prohibited, 9 = No dedicated lane for the movement
BALL Intersection approach left-turn lanes at the FROM end of the link: 0~2 = number of through lanes, 7 = Free, 8 = Prohibited, 9 = No dedicated lane for the movement
BAGC Intersection green-to-cycle ratio at the FROM end of the link (%)
BAPLC Per-lane capacity per hour in the FROM direction of the link
relifac Reliability factor for the link
TOLL2_EA Early AM Toll cost for Toll 2 vehicles
TOLL2_AM AM Toll cost for Toll 2 vehicles
TOLL2_MD Midday Toll cost for Toll 2 vehicles
TOLL2_PM PM Toll cost for Toll 2 vehicles
TOLL2_EV Evening Toll cost for Toll 2 vehicles
TOLL3_EA Early AM Toll cost for Toll 3 vehicles
TOLL3_AM AM Toll cost for Toll 3 vehicles
TOLL3_MD Midday Toll cost for Toll 3 vehicles
TOLL3_PM PM Toll cost for Toll 3 vehicles
TOLL3_EV Evening Toll cost for Toll 3 vehicles
TOLL4_EA Early AM Toll cost for Toll 4 vehicles
TOLL4_AM AM Toll cost for Toll 4 vehicles
TOLL4_MD Midday Toll cost for Toll 4 vehicles
TOLL4_PM PM Toll cost for Toll 4 vehicles
TOLL4_EV Evening Toll cost for Toll 4 vehicles
TOLL5_EA Early AM Toll cost for Toll 5 vehicles
TOLL5_AM AM Toll cost for Toll 5 vehicles
TOLL5_MD Midday Toll cost for Toll 5 vehicles
TOLL5_PM PM Toll cost for Toll 5 vehicles
TOLL5_EV Evening Toll cost for Toll 5 vehicles
TOLL_EA Early AM Toll Cost (in cents per mile)
TOLL_AM AM Toll Cost (in cents per mile)
TOLL_MD Midday Toll Cost (in cents per mile)
TOLL_PM PM Toll Cost (in cents per mile)
TOLL_EV Evening Toll Cost (in cents per mile)
ABCP_EA Early AM mid-link capacity in the TO direction
ABCP_AM AM mid-link capacity in the TO direction
ABCP_MD Midday mid-link capacity in the TO direction
ABCP_PM PM mid-link capacity in the TO direction
ABCP_EV Evening mid-link capacity in the TO direction
BACP_EA Early AM mid-link capacity in the FROM direction
BACP_AM AM mid-link capacity in the FROM direction
BACP_MD Midday mid-link capacity in the FROM direction
BACP_PM PM mid-link capacity in the FROM direction
BACP_EV Evening mid-link capacity in the FROM direction
ABCX_EA Early AM intersection approach capacity in the TO direction
ABCX_AM AM intersection approach capacity in the TO direction
ABCX_MD Midday intersection approach capacity in the TO direction
ABCX_PM PM intersection approach capacity in the TO direction
ABCX_EV Evening intersection approach capacity in the TO direction
BACX_EA Early AM intersection approach capacity in the FROM direction
BACX_AM AM intersection approach capacity in the FROM direction
BACX_MD Midday intersection approach capacity in the FROM direction
BACX_PM PM intersection approach capacity in the FROM direction
BACX_EV Evening intersection approach capacity in the FROM direction
ABCH_EA Early AM hourly mid-link capacity in the TO direction
ABCH_AM AM hourly mid-link capacity in the TO direction
ABCH_MD Midday hourly mid-link capacity in the TO direction
ABCH_PM PM hourly mid-link capacity in the TO direction
ABCH_EV Evening hourly mid-link capacity in the TO direction
BACH_EA Early AM hourly mid-link capacity in the FROM direction
BACH_AM AM hourly mid-link capacity in the FROM direction
BACH_MD Midday hourly mid-link capacity in the FROM direction
BACH_PM PM hourly mid-link capacity in the FROM direction
BACH_EV Evening hourly mid-link capacity in the FROM direction
ABTM_EA Early AM link travel time (minutes) in the FROM-TO direction
ABTM_AM AM link travel time (minutes) in the FROM-TO direction
ABTM_MD Midday link travel time (minutes) in the FROM-TO direction
ABTM_PM PM link travel time (minutes) in the FROM-TO direction
ABTM_EV Evening link travel time (minutes) in the FROM-TO direction
BATM_EA Early AM link travel time (minutes) in the TO-FROM direction
BATM_AM AM link travel time (minutes) in the TO-FROM direction
BATM_MD Midday link travel time (minutes) in the TO-FROM direction
BATM_PM PM link travel time (minutes) in the TO-FROM direction
BATM_EV Evening link travel time (minutes) in the TO-FROM direction
ABTX_EA Early AM intersection delay time (seconds) in the TO end
ABTX_AM AM intersection delay time (seconds) in the TO end
ABTX_MD Midday intersection delay time (seconds) in the TO end
ABTX_PM PM intersection delay time (seconds) in the TO end
ABTX_EV Evening intersection delay time (seconds) in the TO end
BATX_EA Early AM intersection delay time (seconds) in the FROM end
BATX_AM AM intersection delay time (seconds) in the FROM end
BATX_MD Midday intersection delay time (seconds) in the FROM end
BATX_PM PM intersection delay time (seconds) in the FROM end
BATX_EV Evening intersection delay time (seconds) in the FROM end
ABLN_EA Early AM number of lanes in the FROM-TO direction
ABLN_AM AM number of lanes in the FROM-TO direction
ABLN_MD Midday number of lanes in the FROM-TO direction
ABLN_PM PM number of lanes in the FROM-TO direction
ABLN_EV Evening number of lanes in the FROM-TO direction
BALN_EA Early AM number of lanes in the TO-FROM direction
BALN_AM AM number of lanes in the TO-FROM direction
BALN_MD Midday number of lanes in the TO-FROM direction
BALN_PM PM number of lanes in the TO-FROM direction
BALN_EV Evening number of lanes in the TO-FROM direction
ABSCST_EA Early AM period AB directional travel cost
ABSCST_AM AM period AB directional travel cost
ABSCST_MD Midday period AB directional travel cost
ABSCST_PM PM period AB directional travel cost
ABSCST_EV Evening period AB directional travel cost
BAH2CST_EA Early AM period BA directional HOV2 travel cost
BAH2CST_AM AM period BA directional HOV2 travel cost
BAH2CST_MD Midday period BA directional HOV2 travel cost
BAH2CST_PM PM period BA directional HOV2 travel cost
BAH2CST_EV Evening period BA directional HOV2 travel cost
ABH3CST_EA Early AM period AB directional HOV3 travel cost
ABH3CST_AM AM period AB directional HOV3 travel cost
ABH3CST_MD Midday period AB directional HOV3 travel cost
ABH3CST_PM PM period AB directional HOV3 travel cost
ABH3CST_EV Evening period AB directional HOV3 travel cost
BAH3CST_EA Early AM period BA directional HOV3 travel cost
BAH3CST_AM AM period BA directional HOV3 travel cost
BAH3CST_MD Midday period BA directional HOV3 travel cost
BAH3CST_PM PM period BA directional HOV3 travel cost
BAH3CST_EV Evening period BA directional HOV3 travel cost
ABSTM_EA Early AM period AB directional transit flow
ABSTM_AM AM period AB directional transit flow
ABSTM_MD Midday period AB directional transit flow
ABSTM_PM PM period AB directional transit flow
ABSTM_EV Evening period AB directional transit flow
BASTM_EA Early AM period BA directional transit flow
BASTM_AM AM period BA directional transit flow
BASTM_MD Midday period BA directional transit flow
BASTM_PM PM period BA directional transit flow
BASTM_EV Evening period BA directional transit flow
ABPRELOAD_EA Early AM period AB directional preload flow
ABPRELOAD_AM AM period AB directional preload flow
ABPRELOAD_MD Midday period AB directional preload flow
ABPRELOAD_PM PM period AB directional preload flow
ABPRELOAD_EV Evening period AB directional preload flow
BAPRELOAD_EA Early AM period BA directional preload flow
BAPRELOAD_AM AM period BA directional preload flow
BAPRELOAD_MD Midday period BA directional preload flow
BAPRELOAD_PM PM period BA directional preload flow
BAPRELOAD_EV Evening period BA directional preload flow
AB_GCRatio Intersection green-to-cycle ratio at the TO end of the link (%)
BA_GCRatio Intersection green-to-cycle ratio at the FROM end of the link (%)
AB_Cycle Cycle time at the AB end of the link
BA_Cycle Cycle time at the BA end of the link
AB_PF Performance factor in the AB direction
BA_PF Performance factor in the BA direction
ALPHA1 Volume delay function (VDF) parameter Alpha1
BETA1 Volume delay function (VDF) parameter Beta1
ALPHA2 Volume delay function (VDF) parameter Alpha2
BETA2 Volume delay function (VDF) parameter Beta2
geometry Geospatial data representation of the link

Aggregated Transit Flow Table (transit_aggflow.csv)

Column Name Description
MODE Transit mode (BUS, PREM, ALLPEN)
TOD Time of day (EA, AM, MD, PM, EV)
AB_TransitFlow A-B Direction Transit Flow
BA_TransitFlow B-A Direction Transit Flow
AB_NonTransit A-B Direction Non Transit Flow
BA_NonTransit B-A Direction Non Transit Flow
AB_TotalFlow A-B Direction Total Flow
BA_TotalFlow B-A Direction Total Flow
AB_Access_Walk_Flow A-B Direction Access Walk Flow
BA_Access_Walk_Flow B-A Direction Access Walk Flow
AB_Xfer_Walk_Flow A-B Direction Transfer Walk Flow
BA_Xfer_Walk_Flow B-A Direction Transfer Walk Flow
AB_Egress_Walk_Flow A-B Direction Egress Walk Flow
BA_Egress_Walk_Flow B-A Direction Egress Walk Flow

Transit Flow Table (transit_flow.csv)

Column Name Description
MODE Transit mode (BUS, PREM, ALLPEN)
TOD Time of day (EA, AM, MD, PM, EV)
ROUTE Sequential Route Number
FROMMP From milepost
TOMP To milepost
TRANSITFLOW Transit flow
BASEIVTT Base in-vehicle time
VOC Volume to Capacity

On and Off Transit File (transit_onoff.csv)

Column Name Description
MODE Transit mode (BUS, PREM, ALLPEN)
TOD Time of day (EA, AM, MD, PM, EV)
ROUTE Sequential Route Number
BOARDINGS Number of boardings
ALIGHTINGS Number of alightings
WALKACCESSON Number of walk access boardings
DIRECTTRANSFERON Number of transfer boardings
WALKTRANSFERON Number of walk transfer boardings
DIRECTTRANSFEROFF Number of transfer alightings
WALKTRANSFEROFF Number of walk transfer alightings
EGRESSOFF Number of walk egress alightings
Column Name Description
trcovID Transit link ID, unique with AB direction field
AB 1/0 indicator of AB directionality
geometry Transit link linestring geometry

Transit Route File (transitRoute.csv)

Column Name Description
Route_ID Transit route ID
Route_Name Route number (first three digits), direction (1/2), and configuration (last two digits)
Mode Line haul mode of route:
4 = coaster
5 = sprinter/trolley
8 = prem express
9 = regular express
10 = local bus
AM_Headway ABM five time of day am peak time period headway
PM_Headway ABM five time of day pm peak time period headway
OP_Headway ABM five time of day midday time period headway
Night_Headway ABM five time of day early am and evening time period headway
Night_Hours Hours of transit route operation during ABM five time of day early am and evening time periods
Config Route number (first three digits), direction (1/2), and configuration (last two digits)
Fare Transit fare cost ($) of route
geometry Transit route linestring geometry

Transit Stop File (transitStop.csv)

Column Name Description
Stop_ID Transit stop ID
Route_ID Transit route ID
Link_ID Transit link ID
Pass_Count Passenger count
Milepost Mile post
Longitude Longitude of stop location
Latitude Latitude of stop location
NearNode Transit node ID
FareZone Fare zone
StopName Name of transit stop
geometry Transit stop point geometry

MGRA Travel Times - AM Period (walkMgrasWithin45Min_AM.csv)

Column Name Description
i Origin MGRA
j Destination MGRA
transit Travel time (in minutes) from i to j by transit mode; 999 if not accessible
walk Travel time (in minutes) from i to j by walking; 999 if not accessible
bike Travel time (in minutes) from i to j by biking; 999 if not accessible
microtransit Travel time (in minutes) from i to j by microtransit; 999 if not accessible
nev Travel time (in minutes) from i to j by neighborhood electric vehicle (NEV); 999 if not accessible
ebike Travel time (in minutes) from i to j by electric bike (e-bike); 999 if not accessible
escooter Travel time (in minutes) from i to j by electric scooter (e-scooter); 999 if not accessible

MGRA Travel Times - MD Period (walkMgrasWithin45Min_MD.csv)

Column Name Description
i Origin MGRA
j Destination MGRA
transit Travel time (in minutes) from i to j by transit mode; 999 if not accessible
walk Travel time (in minutes) from i to j by walking; 999 if not accessible
bike Travel time (in minutes) from i to j by biking; 999 if not accessible
microtransit Travel time (in minutes) from i to j by microtransit; 999 if not accessible
nev Travel time (in minutes) from i to j by neighborhood electric vehicle (NEV); 999 if not accessible
ebike Travel time (in minutes) from i to j by electric bike (e-bike); 999 if not accessible
escooter Travel time (in minutes) from i to j by electric scooter (e-scooter); 999 if not accessible