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ABM3 Model Inputs

The main inputs to ABM3 include the transportation network, land-use data, synthetic population data, parameters files, and model specifications. Outputs include a set of files that describe travel decisions made by all travel markets considered by the model (residents, overnight visitors, airport ground access trips, commercial vehicles and trucks, Mexico residents traveling in San Diego County, and travel made by all other non-residents into and through San Diego County).

File Types

There are several file types used for model inputs and outputs. They are denoted by their extension, as listed in the table below.

Extension Format
.log, .txt Text files created during a model run containing logging results.
.yaml Text files used for setting properties that control ActivitySim or some other process.
.csv Comma-separated value files used to store model parameters, input or output data.
.omx Open matrix format files used to store input or output trip tables or skims
.h5 HDF5 files, used to store pipeline for restarting ActivitySim
.shp (along with other files - .cpg, .dbf, .prj, .shx) ArcGIS shapefiles and associated files
.html Hypertext markup language files, open in web browser
.png Portable network graphics file, open in web browser, Microsoft photos, or third-party graphics editor

Model Inputs

The table below contains brief descriptions of the input files required to execute the SANDAG ABM3.

File Name Purpose File Type Prepared By
Land Use
mgra_based_input{SCENARIO_YEAR}.csv Land use forecast of the size and structure of the region’s economy and corresponding demographic forecast CSV Land Use Modelers, Transportation Modelers, and GIS
Synthetic Population
households.csv Synthetic households CSV Transportation Modelers
persons.csv Synthetic persons CSV Transportation Modelers
EmmeOutputs.gdb Network Input Files GDB Transportation Modelers
transit_connectors Input Files
vehicle_class_toll_factors.csv Relative toll values by six vehicle classes by Facility name. Used to identify “free for HOV” type managed lane facilities. CSV Transportation Modelers
trlink.csv Transit route with a list of links file CSV Transportation Modelers
trrt.csv Transit route attribute file CSV Transportation Modelers
trstop.csv Transit stop attribute file TCSV Transportation Modelers
mode5tod.csv Transit mode parameters table CSV Transportation Modelers
timexfer_XX.csv Transit timed transfers table between COASTER and feeder buses; XX is the TOD (EA, AM, MD, PM, and EV) CSV Transportation Modelers
special_fares.txt Fares to coaster Text File Transportation Modelers
mobilityHubMGRA.csv CSV Transportation Modelers
SANDAG_Bike_Net.dbf Bike network links DBF GIS
SANDAG_Bike_Node.dbf Bike network nodes DBF GIS
bikeTazLogsum.csv (not saved in inputs, instead, run at the beginning of a model run) Bike TAZ logsum CSV Transportation Modelers
bikeMgraLogsum.csv (not saved in inputs, instead, run at the beginning of a model run) Bike MGRA logsum CSV Transportation Modelers
mgra15.shp SHP
taz15.shp SHP
Cross-Border Model (Derived from cross-border survey)
crossBorder_tourPurpose_control.csv CSV
crossBorder_tourPurpose_nonSENTRI.csv Cross Border Model tour purpose distribution for Non-SENTRI tours CSV Transportation Modelers
crossBorder_tourPurpose_SENTRI.csv Cross Border Model tour purpose distribution for SENTRI tours CSV Transportation Modelers
crossBorder_tourEntryAndReturn.csv Cross Border Model tour entry and return time-of-day distribution CSV Transportation Modelers
crossBorder_supercolonia.csv Cross Border Model distance from Colonias to border crossing locations CSV Transportation Modelers
crossBorder_pointOfEntryWaitTime.csv Cross Border Model wait times at border crossing locations table CSV GIS - Pat L vtsql
crossBorder_stopFrequency.csv Cross Border Model stop frequency data CSV Transportation Modelers
crossBorder_stopPurpose.csv Cross Border Model stop purpose distribution CSV Transportation Modelers
crossBorder_outboundStopDuration.csv Cross Border Model time-of-day offsets for outbound stops CSV Transportation Modelers
crossBorder_inboundStopDuration.csv Cross Border Model time-of-day offsets for inbound stops CSV Transportation Modelers
closest_maz_to_external_tazs.csv CSV Transportation Modelers
mazs_xborder.csv CSV Transportation Modelers
External Models (Derived from SCAG survey)
externalExternalTripsByYear.csv (raw inputs have these by year) External origin-destination station trip matrix CSV Transportation Modelers
externalInternalControlTotalsByYear.csv (raw inputs have these by year) External Internal station control totals read by GISDK CSV Transportation Modelers
internalExternal_tourTOD.csv Internal-External Model tour time-of-day frequency distribution CSV Transportation Modelers
resident_ie_size_term.csv CSV Transportation Modelers
Commercial Vehicle Model
land_use(output from preprocessing step) MGRA based land use file CSV
percent_of_establishments_by_luz_size_emp_cat.xlsx Percent of establishments in LUZ that belong in each size category by industry sector Excel Workbook
CVM\SynthEstablishments.csv Output from CVM establishment synthesis, similar description as previous part CSV
CVM\MGRAEmpByEstSize.csv MGRA Based synthetically generated establishments. Used for disgnostic purposes, not for simulation CSV
CVM\SummaryEstablishments.csv Contains information about synthetically generated establishments to be used as inputs to the commercial vehicle model CSV
Heavy Truck Model ( HTM )
HTM\inputs_sandag_htm_.xlsx Contains all the required inputs ( in different sheets) for the Heavy Truck Model Excel Workbook
HTM\FAF5_BaseAndFutureYears_Oct27_2023.csv FAF5 Data (filtered) containing FAF flows for required years CSV
parametersByYears.csv Parameters by scenario years. Includes AOC, aiport enplanements, cross-border tours, cross-border sentri share. CSV Transportation Modelers
filesByYears.csv File names by scenario years. CSV Transportation Modelers
trip_XX.omx Warm start trip table; XX is the TOD (EA, AM, MD, PM, and EV) OMX Transportation Modelers
zone_term.csv TAZ terminal times Space Delimited Text File Transportation Modelers
all_vol_dfs.csv [to be updated]
all_wait_times.csv [to be updated]
specialEvents_() [to be updated]

Land Use


Column name Description
mgra MGRANumber
taz TAZ Number
pop total population
hhp total household population (exclude gq pop)
hs housing structures
hs_sf single family structures
hs_mf multi family structures
hs_mh mobile homes
hh total number of households
hh_sf number of households - single family
hh_mf number of households - multi family
hh_mh number of mobile homes
hhs household size
gq_civ GQ civilian
gq_mil GQ military
i1 Number of households with income less than \(15,000 (\)2010)
i2 Number of households with income \(15,000-\)29,999 ($2010)
i3 Number of households with income \(30,000-\)44,999 ($2010)
i4 Number of households with income \(45,000-\)59,999 ($2010)
i5 Number of households with income \(60,000-\)74,999 ($2010)
i6 Number of households with income \(75,000-\)99,999 ($2010)
i7 Number of households with income \(100,000-\)124,999 ($2010)
i8 Number of households with income \(125,000-\)149,999 ($2010)
i9 Number of households with income \(150,000-\)199,999 ($2010)
i10 Number of households with income \(200,000 or more (\)2010)
emp_gov Government employment
emp_mil military employment
emp_ag_min Agriculture and mining employment
emp_bus_svcs Professional and Business Services employment
emp_fin_res_mgm Financial and resource management employment
emp_educ Education services employment
emp_hlth Health services employment
emp_ret Retail services employment
emp_trn_wrh Transportation and Warehousing employment
emp_con Construction employment
emp_utl Utilities office support employment
emp_mnf Manufacturing employment
emp_whl Wholesale employment
emp_ent Entertainment services employment
emp_accm Hotel and accomodation services
emp_food Food services employment
emp_oth Other employment
emp_non_ws_wfh Non-wage and salary work from home employments
emp_non_ws_oth Non-wage and salary other employments
emp_total Total employment
pseudomsa Pseudo MSA
1: Downtown
2: Central
3: North City
4: South Suburban
5: East Suburban
6: North County West
7: North County East
8: East County
zip09 2009 Zip Code
enrollgradekto8 Grade School K-8 enrollment
enrollgrade9to12 Grade School 9-12 enrollment
collegeenroll Major College enrollment
othercollegeenroll Other College enrollment
hotelroomtotal Total number of hotel rooms
parkactive Acres of Active Park
openspaceparkpreserve Acres of Open Park or Preserve
beachactive Acres of Active Beach
district27 Special layer reg employer shuttle service around Sorrento Valley
milestocoast Distance (miles) to the nearest coast
acres Total acres in the mgra (used in CTM)
land_acres Acres of land in the mgra (used in CTM)
effective_acres Effective acres in the mgra (used in CTM)
exp_hourly Expected hourly prking cost
exp_daily Expected daily prking cost
exp_monthly Expected monthly prking cost
parking_type 1: parking constrained area: has cluster_id and district_id
2: buffer around parking constrained area which is used to include free spaces to average into parking cost calculation: has district_id but no cluster_id
3: no parking cost: Has neither cluster_id nor district_id
parking_spaces MGRA estimated parking spaces
ech_dist Elementary school district
hch_dist High school district
remoteAVParking Remote AV parking available at MGRA: 0 = Not available, 1 = Available
refueling_stations Number of refueling stations at MGRA
MicroAccessTime Micro-mobility access time (mins)
microtransit microtransit access time (mins)
nev Neighborhood Electric Vehicle access time (mins)
totint Total intersections
duden Dwelling unit density
empden Employment density
popden Population density
retempden Retail employment density
totintbin Total intersection bin
empdenbin Employment density bin
dudenbin Dwelling unit density bin
PopEmpDenPerMi Population and employment density per mile

Synthetic Population

Population Synthesizer Household Data


Column Name Description
hhid Unique Household ID
household_serial_no Household serial number
taz TAZ of household
mgra MGRA of household
hinccat1 Household income category:
1 = <$30k
2 = $30-60k
3 = $60-100k
4 = $100-150k
5 = $150k+
hinc Household income
num_workers Number of workers in household
veh Number of vehicles in household
persons Number of persons in household
hht Household/family type:
0 = Not in universe (vacant or GQ)
1 = Family household: married-couple
2 = Family household: male householder, no wife present
3 = Family household: female householder, no husband present
4 = Nonfamily household: male householder, living alone
5 = Nonfamily household: male householder, not living alone
6 = Nonfamily household: female householder, living alone
7 = Nonfamily household: female householder, not living alone
bldgsz Building size - Number of Units in Structure & Quality:
1 = Mobile home or trailer
2 = One-family house detached
3 = One-family house attached
8 = 20-49 Apartments
9 = 50 or more apartments
unittype Household unit type:
0 = Non-GQ Household
1 = GQ Household
version Synthetic population run version. Presently set to 0.
poverty Poverty indicator utilized for social equity reports. Percentage value where value <= 2 (200% of the Federal Poverty Level) indicates household is classified under poverty.

Population Synthesizer Person Data


Column Name Description
hhid Household ID
perid Person ID
Household_serial_no Household serial number
pnum Person Number
age Age of person
sex Gender of person
1 = Male
2 = Female
miltary Military status of person:
0 = N/A Less than 17 Years Old
1 = Yes, Now on Active Duty
pemploy Employment status of person:
1 = Employed Full-Time
2 = Employed Part-Time
3 = Unemployed or Not in Labor Force
4 = Less than 16 Years Old
pstudent Student status of person:
1 = Pre K-12
2 = College Undergrad+Grad and Prof. School
3 = Not Attending School
ptype Person type:
1 = Full-time Worker
2 = Part-time Worker
3 = College Student
4 = Non-working Adult
5 = Non-working Senior
6 = Driving Age Student
7 = Non-driving Student
8 = Pre-school
educ Educational attainment:
1 = No schooling completed
9 = High school graduate
13 = Bachelor’s degree
grade School grade of person:
0 = N/A (not attending school)
2 = K to grade 8
5 = Grade 9 to grade 12
6 = College undergraduate
occen5 Occupation:
0 = Not in universe (Under 16 years or LAST-WRK = 2)
1..997 = Legal census occupation code
occsoc5 Detailed occupation codes defined by the Bureau of Labor Statistics
indcen Industry code.
0 = default
9970 = NAICS2 is MIL
weeks Weeks worked during past 12 months
0 .N/A (less than 16 years old/did not work during the past 12 .months)
1 .50 to 52 weeks worked during past 12 months
2 .48 to 49 weeks worked during past 12 months
3 .40 to 47 weeks worked during past 12 months
4 .27 to 39 weeks worked during past 12 month
5 .14 to 26 weeks worked during past 12 months
6 .13 weeks or less worked during past 12 months
hours Hours worked per week past 12 months
0 .N/A (less than 16 years old/did not work during the past .12 months)
1..98 .1 to 98 usual hours
99 .99 or more usual hours
rac1p Race:
1 = White alone
2 = Black or African American alone
3 = American Indian alone
4 = Alaska Native alone
5 = American Indian and Alaska Native tribes specified; or .American Indian or Alaska Native, not specified and no other .races
6 = Asian alone
7 = Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone
8 = Some Other Race alone
9 =Two or More Races
hisp Hispanic origin:
1 = Not Hispanic
2 = Hispanic
version Synthetic population run version. Presently set to 0.
naics2_original_code 2 digit North American Industry Classification System (NAICS)
soc2 2 digit Standard Occupational Classification


Highway Network Vehicle Class Toll Factors File


Required file. Used to specify the relative toll values by six vehicle classes by Facility name, scenario year and time of day. Can be used, for example, to identify “free for HOV” type managed lane facilties. Used by the Import network Modeller tool.


Facility_name Year Time_of_Day DA_Factor S2_Factor S3_Factor TRK_L_Factor TRK_M_Factor TRK_H_Factor
I-15 2016 EA 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.03 2.33
SR-125 2016 ALL 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.03 2.33
I-5 2035 ALL 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 1.03 2.33

The network links are matched to a record in this file based on the NM, FXNM or TXNM values (in that order). A simple substring matching is used, so the record with Facility_name “I-15” matches any link with name “I-15 SB”, “I-15 NB”, “I-15/DEL LAGO DAR NB” etc. The records should not be overlapping: if there are two records which match a given link it will be an arbitrary choice as to which one is used.

Note that if a link does not match to a record in this file, the default factors (specified in the table below) will be applied to said link. It is OK if there are records for which there are no link tolls.

Column Name Description
Facility_name Name of the facility, used in the substring matching with links by NM, FXNM or TXNM fields
Year Scenario year
Time_of_Day Time of day period:
EA = Early morning (3am - 5:59am)
AM = AM peak (6am to 8:59am)
MD = Mid-day (9am to 3:29pm)
PM = PM peak (3:30pm to 6:59pm)
EV = Evening (7pm to 2:59am)
ALL = All time of day periods
DA_Factor Positive toll factor for Drive Alone (SOV) vehicle classes. The default value is 1.0
S2_Factor Positive toll factor for Shared 2 person (HOV2) vehicle classes. The default value is 1.0
S3_Factor Positive toll factor for Shared 3+ person (HOV3) vehicle classes. The default value is 1.0
TRK_L_Factor Positive toll factor for Light Truck (TRKL) vehicle classes. The default value is 1.0
TRK_M_Factor Positive toll factor for Medium Truck (TRKM) vehicle classes. The default value is 1.03
TRK_H_Factor Positive toll factor for Heavy Truck (TRKH) vehicle classes. The default value is 2.03


       - {line: "398104", cost: 3.63}
       - {line: "398204", cost: 3.63}
       - {line: "398104", stop: "SORRENTO VALLEY", cost: 0.46}
       - {line: "398204", stop: "SORRENTO VALLEY", cost: 0.46}
   - {line: "398104", from: "SOLANA BEACH", cost: 0.45}
   - {line: "398104", from: "SORRENTO VALLEY", cost: 0.45}
   - {line: "398204", from: "OLD TOWN",  cost: 0.45}
   - {line: "398204", from: "SORRENTO VALLEY", cost: 0.45}
day_pass: 4.54
regional_pass: 10.90

MGRAs at Mobility Hubs


Column Name Decription
MoHubName Mobility Hub name
MoHubType Mobility Hub type:
Major Employment Center

Transit Binary Stop Table


Column Name Description
Stop_id Unique stop ID
Route_id Sequential route number
Link_id Link id associated with route
Pass_count Number of times the route passes this stop. Most of value is one, some value is 2
Milepost Stop mile post
Longitude Stop Longitude
Latitude Stop Latitude
NearNode Node number that stop is nearest to
FareZone Zones defined in Fare System
StopName Name of Stop
MODE_NAME Line haul mode name:
Center City Walk
Walk Access
Commuter Rail
Light Rail
Regional BRT (Yellow)
Regional BRT (Red)
Limited Express
1 = Transfer
2 = Center City Walk
3 = Walk Access
4 = Commuter Rail
5 = Light Rail
6 = Regional BRT (Yellow)
7 = Regional BRT (Red)
8 = Limited Express
9 = Express
10 = Local
PREMODE Premium Transit mode
0 = No
1 = Yes
EXPBSMODE Express bus mode
0 = No
1 = Yes
LOCMODE Local bus mode
0 = No
1 = Yes
OP_TRNTIME Off peak transcad matrix used by mode:
AM_TRNTIME AM peak transcad matrix used by mode:
PM_TRNTIME PM peak transcad matrix used by mode:
MODE_ACCES Mode of access (1)
MODE_EGRES Mode of egress (1)
WT_IVTPK Weight for peak in-vehicle time: 1, 1.5, or 1.8
WT_FWTPK Weight for peak first wait time: 1, 1.5
WT_XWTPK Weight for peak transfer wait time: 1, 3
WT_FAREPK Weight for peak fare: 0.46, 0.60, 0.63, 0.67, 1
WT_IVTOP Weight for off-peak in-vehicle time: 1, 1.5, or 1.6
WT_FWTOP Weight for off-peak first wait time: 1, 1.5
WT_XWTOP Weight for off-peak transfer wait time: 1, 3
WT_FAREOP Weight for off-peak fare: 0.23, 0.51, 0.52, 0.54, 0.58, 1
FARE Transit fare: $0, $1.25, $1.50, $2.50, $3.00, $3.50
DWELLTIME Dwell time: 0, 0.3, 0.5
1 = Bus
2 = Rail
coaster fare
lightrail fare
CRMODE Boolean if Commuter rail available
LRMODE Boolean if light rail available
XFERPENTM Transfer Penalty time: 5 minutes
WTXFERTM Transfer Wait time: 1 minute
TRNTIME_EA Early AM transit time impedance
TRNTIME_AM AM transit time impedance
TRNTIME_MD Midday transit time impedance
TRNTIME_PM PM transit time impedance
TRNTIME_EV Evening transit time impedance

Transit Timed Transfers Between COASTER and Feeder Buses


Column Name Description
FROM_LINE From Route Number
TO_LINE To Route Number
WAIT_TIME Wait time in minutes

Transit Stop Table


Column Name Description
Stop_id Unique stop ID
Route_id Sequential route number
Link_id Link id associated with route
Pass_count Number of times the route passes this stop. Most of value is one, some value is 2
Milepost Stop mile post
Longitude Stop Longitude
Latitude Stop Latitude
NearNode Node number that stop is nearest to
FareZone Zones defined in Fare System
StopName Name of Stop
MODE_NAME Line haul mode name:
Center City Walk
Walk Access
Commuter Rail
Light Rail
Regional BRT (Yellow)
Regional BRT (Red)
Limited Express
1 = Transfer
2 = Center City Walk
3 = Walk Access
4 = Commuter Rail
5 = Light Rail
6 = Regional BRT (Yellow)
7 = Regional BRT (Red)
8 = Limited Express
9 = Express
10 = Local
PREMODE Premium Transit mode
0 = No
1 = Yes
EXPBSMODE Express bus mode
0 = No
1 = Yes
LOCMODE Local bus mode
0 = No
1 = Yes
OP_TRNTIME Off peak transcad matrix used by mode:
AM_TRNTIME AM peak transcad matrix used by mode:
PM_TRNTIME PM peak transcad matrix used by mode:
MODE_ACCES Mode of access (1)
MODE_EGRES Mode of egress (1)
WT_IVTPK Weight for peak in-vehicle time: 1, 1.5, or 1.8
WT_FWTPK Weight for peak first wait time: 1, 1.5
WT_XWTPK Weight for peak transfer wait time: 1, 3
WT_FAREPK Weight for peak fare: 0.46, 0.60, 0.63, 0.67, 1
WT_IVTOP Weight for off-peak in-vehicle time: 1, 1.5, or 1.6
WT_FWTOP Weight for off-peak first wait time: 1, 1.5
WT_XWTOP Weight for off-peak transfer wait time: 1, 3
WT_FAREOP Weight for off-peak fare: 0.23, 0.51, 0.52, 0.54, 0.58, 1
FARE Transit fare: $0, $1.25, $1.50, $2.50, $3.00, $3.50
DWELLTIME Dwell time: 0, 0.3, 0.5
1 = Bus
2 = Rail
coaster fare
lightrail fare
CRMODE Boolean if Commuter rail available
LRMODE Boolean if light rail available
XFERPENTM Transfer Penalty time: 5 minutes
WTXFERTM Transfer Wait time: 1 minute
TRNTIME_EA Early AM transit time impedance
TRNTIME_AM AM transit time impedance
TRNTIME_MD Midday transit time impedance
TRNTIME_PM PM transit time impedance
TRNTIME_EV Evening transit time impedance


Column Name Description
Route_id: Sequential route number
Link_id Link id associated with route
Direction + or -


Column Name Description
RD20FULL Road/Street Name
A Foreign key of first node
B Foreign key of second node
A_LEVEL Level of first node
B_LEVEL Level of second node
Distance Arc length of link (ft)
AB_Gain Cumulative non-negative increase in elevation from A to B nodes (ft)
BA_Gain Cumulative non-negative increase in elevation from B to A nodes (ft)
ABBikeClas Type of Bike Classification in AB direction where:
1 = Multi-Use Path
2 = Bike Lane
3 = Bike Route
BABikeClas Type of Bike Classification in BA direction where:
1 = Multi-Use Path
2 = Bike Lane
3 = Bike Route
AB_Lanes Number of Lanes in AB direction
BA_Lanes Number of Lanes in BA direction
Func_Class Type of Road Functional Class where:
1 = Freeway to Freeway Ramp
2 = Light (2-lane) Collector Street
3 = Rural Collector Road
4 = Major Road/4-lane Major Road
5 = Rural Light Collector/Local Road
6 = Prime Arterial
7 = Private Street
8 = Recreational Parkway
9 = Rural Mountain Road
A = Alley
B = Class I Bicycle Path
C = Collector/4-lane Collector Street
D = Two-lane Major Street
E = Expressway
F = Freeway
L = Local Street/Cul-de-sac
M = Military Street within Base
P = Paper Street
Q = Undocumented
R = Freeway/Expressway On/Off Ramp
S = Six-lane Major Street
T = Transitway
U = Unpaved Road
W = Pedestrian Way/Bikeway
Bike2Sep Separated Bike Lane Flag where:
0 = No
1 = Yes
Bike3Blvd Bike Boulevard Lane Flag where:
0 = No
1 = Yes
SPEED Road Speed
A_Elev A Node Elevation
B_Elev B Node Elevation
ProjectID Project ID in the regional bike network
Year Year built/opened to the public
Scenicldx Scenic index represents the closeness to the ocean and parks
Path Null
Shape_Leng length of the link (ft)

Bike Network Node Field List


Column Name Description
NodeLev_ID Node Unique Identifier
MGRA MGRA ID for Centroids
TAZ TAZ ID for Centroids
XCOORD X Coordinate of Node in NAD 1983 State Plane California Region VI FIPS: 0406 (ft)
YCOORD Y Coordinate of Node in NAD 1983 State Plane California Region VI FIPS: 0406(ft)
ZCOORD Elevation (ft)
Signal Traffic Signal Presence where:
0 = Absence
1 = Presence

Bike TAZ Logsum


Column Name Description
i Origin TAZ
j Destination TAZ
Logsum Logsum - a measure of the closeness of the origin and the destination of the trip
time Time (In minutes)

Bike MGRA Logsum


Column Name Description
i Origin of MGRA
j Destination of MGRA
Logsum Logsum - a measure of the closeness of the origin and the destination of the trip
time Time (in minutes)


Airport Number of Nights by Purpose Distribution


Column Name Description
Nights Number of Nights stayed (0 through 14+)
purp1_perc Distribution for Resident Personal purpose
purp2_perc Distribution for Visitor Business purpose
purp3_perc Distribution for Visitor Personal purpose
purp4_perc Distribution for External purpose

Airport Income by Purpose Distribution


Column Name Description
Income group Household income:
0 = Less than $25K
1 = $25K – $50K
2 = $50K – $75K
3 = $75K – $100K
4 = $100K – $125K
5 = $125K – $150K
6 = $150K – $200K
7 = $200K plus
purp1_perc Distribution for Resident Personal purpose
purp2_perc Distribution for Visitor Business purpose
purp3_perc Distribution for Visitor Personal purpose
purp4_perc Distribution for External purpose

Airport Departure Time by Purpose Distribution


Column Name Description
Period Departure Period:
1 = Before 5:00AM
2 = 5:00AM-5:30AM
3 through 39 is every half hour time slots
40 = After 12:00AM
purp1_perc Distribution for Resident Personal purpose
purp2_perc Distribution for Visitor Business purpose
purp3_perc Distribution for Visitor Personal purpose
purp4_perc Distribution for External purpose

Airport Arrival Time by Purpose Distribution


Column Name Description
Period Arrival Period:
1 = Before 5:00AM
2 = 5:00AM-5:30AM
3 through 39 is every half hour time slots
40 = After 12:00AM
purp1_perc Distribution for Resident Personal purpose
purp2_perc Distribution for Visitor Business purpose
purp3_perc Distribution for Visitor Personal purpose
purp4_perc Distribution for External purpose

Commercial Vehicle Model


Column Name Description
Info Basic information of the data, and the size class definitions included
Data Detailed industry sector breakdown by size class and LUZ


Column Name Description
Establishment_ID Unique establishment id ( index ) for each establishment
Industry_No The category of industry that the establishment belongs to (range: 1 - 12 )
Industry_Name The name of industry that the establishment belongs to ( EPO, AGM, CON etc.)/td>
LUZ Land Use Zone ( Or the TAZ) to which the establishment belongs to
MGRA The MGRA number to which establishment belongs to
Employees The number of employees in the establishment
Size_Class The categorized size of the establishment based on the number of employees


Field Description
mgra MGRA id
taz TAZ id
luz Land use zone
emp_Sector_Size_Class Employment numbers, where Sector is gov, mil, ag_min, bus_svcs, fin_res_mgm, educ, hlth, ret, trn_wrh, con, utl, mnf, whl, ent, accm, food, oth; where Size_Class ranges 1-7.

CVM Establishment Synthesis File ( SummarySynthEstabs.csv )

Field Description
Industry_No Industry No
Industry_Name Industry name
Size_Class Size class
Count Total number

Industry No Industry Name Description
1 AGM Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, and Hunting, and Mining
2 MFG Manufacturing
3 IUT Industrial Utilities
4 RET Retail Trade
5 WHL Wholesale Trade
6 CON Construction
7 TRN Transportation and Warehousing
8 IFR Information, Financial, Insurance, Real Estate, and Professional Services
9 EPO Education, Public, and Other Services
10 MHS Medical and Health Services
11 LAF Leisure, Accomodations, and Food
12 MIL Military


Cross Border Model Tour Entry and Return Distribution


Column Name Description
Purpose Tour Purpose:
0 = Work
1 = School
2 = Cargo
3 = Shop
4 = Visit
5 = Other
EntryPeriod Entry Period:
1 = Before 5:00AM
2 = 5:00AM-5:30AM
3 through 39 is every half hour time slots
40 = After 12:00AM
Return Period Return Period:
1 = Before 5:00AM
2 = 5:00AM-5:30AM
3 through 39 is every half hour time slots
40 = After 12:00AM
Percent Distribution of tours in entry and return period time slots

Cross Border Model Supercolonia


Column Name Description
Supercolonia_ID Super colonia ID
Population Population of the super colonia
Distance_poe0 Distance from colonia to point of entry 0 (San Ysidro)
Distance_poe1 Distance from colonia to point of entry 1 (Otay Mesa)
Distance_poe2 Distance from colonia to point of entry 2 (Tecate)

Cross Border Model Point of Entry Wait Time


Column Name Description
poe Point of Entry number:
0 = San Ysidro
1 = Otay Mesa
2 = Tecate
3 = Otay Mesa East
4 = Jacumba
StartHour Start Hour (1 through 12)
EndHour End Hour (1 through 12)
StartPeriod Start Period:
1 = Before 5:00AM
2 = 5:00AM-5:30AM
3 through 39 is every half hour time slots
40 = After 12:00AM
EndPeriod End Period:
1 = Before 5:00AM
2 = 5:00AM-5:30AM
3 through 39 is every half hour time slots
40 = After 12:00AM
StandardWait Standard wait time
SENTRIWait SENTRI users wait time
PedestrianWait Pedestrian wait time

Cross Border Model Stop Frequency


Column Name Description
Purpose Tour Purpose:
0 = Work
1 = School
2 = Cargo
3 = Shop
4 = Visit
5 = Other
DurationLo Lower bound of tour duration (0, 4, or 8)
DurationHi Upper bound of tour duration (4, 8, or 24)
Outbound Number of stops on the outbound (0, 1, 2, 3+)
Inbound Number of stops on the inbound (0, 1, 2, 3+)
Percent Distribution of tours by purpose, duration, number of outbound/inbound stops

Cross Border Model Stop Purpose Distribution


Column Name Description
TourPurp Tour Purpose:
0 = Work
1 = School
2 = Cargo
3 = Shop
4 = Visit
5 = Other
Inbound Boolean for whether stop is inbound (0=No, 1=Yes)
StopNum Stop number on tour (1, 2, or 3)
Multiple Boolean for whether there are multiple stops on tour (0=No, 1=Yes)
StopPurp0 Distribution of Work stops
StopPurp1 Distribution of School stops
StopPurp2 Distribution of Cargo stops
StopPurp3 Distribution of Shopping stops
StopPurp4 Distribution of Visiting stops
StopPurp5 Distribution of Other stops

Cross Border Model Outbound Stop Duration Distribution


Column Name Description
RemainingLow Lower bound of remaining half hour periods after last scheduled trip:
1 = Before 5:00AM
2 = 5:00AM-5:30AM
3 through 39 is every half hour time slots
40 = After 12:00AM
RemainingHigh Upper bound of remaining half hour periods after last scheduled trip:
1 = Before 5:00AM
2 = 5:00AM-5:30AM
3 through 39 is every half hour time slots
40 = After 12:00AM
Stop Stop number on tour (1, 2, or 3)
0 Probability that stop departure is in same period as last outbound trip
1 Probability that stop departure is in last outbound trip period + 1
2 Probability that stop departure is in last outbound trip period + 2
3 Probability that stop departure is in last outbound trip period + 3
4 Probability that stop departure is in last outbound trip period + 4
5 Probability that stop departure is in last outbound trip period + 5
6 Probability that stop departure is in last outbound trip period + 6
7 Probability that stop departure is in last outbound trip period + 7
8 Probability that stop departure is in last outbound trip period + 8
9 Probability that stop departure is in last outbound trip period + 9
10 Probability that stop departure is in last outbound trip period + 10
11 Probability that stop departure is in last outbound trip period + 11

Cross Border Model Inbound Stop Duration Distribution


Column Name Description
RemainingLow Lower bound of remaining half hour periods after last scheduled trip:
1 = Before 5:00AM
2 = 5:00AM-5:30AM
3 through 39 is every half hour time slots
40 = After 12:00AM
RemainingHigh Upper bound of remaining half hour periods after last scheduled trip:
1 = Before 5:00AM
2 = 5:00AM-5:30AM
3 through 39 is every half hour time slots
40 = After 12:00AM
Stop Stop number on tour (1, 2, or 3)
0 Probability that stop departure period is same as tour arrival period
-1 Probability that stop departure period is tour arrival period - 1
-2 Probability that stop departure period is tour arrival period – 2
-3 Probability that stop departure period is tour arrival period – 3
-4 Probability that stop departure period is tour arrival period – 4
-5 Probability that stop departure period is tour arrival period – 5
-6 Probability that stop departure period is tour arrival period – 6
-7 Probability that stop departure period is tour arrival period - 7

External Models


Column Name Description
originTAZ External origin TAZ
destinationTAZ External destination TAZ
Trips Number of trips between external TAZs

External Internal Control Totals


Column Name Description
Taz External TAZ station
Work Number of work vehicle trips
Nonwork Number of non-work vehicle trips

Internal External Tours Time of Day Distribution


Column Name Description
Purpose Tour Purpose:
0 = All Purposes
EntryPeriod Entry Period:
1 = Before 5:00AM
2 = 5:00AM-5:30AM
3 through 39 is every half hour time slots
40 = After 12:00AM
ReturnPeriod Return Period:
1 = Before 5:00AM
2 = 5:00AM-5:30AM
3 through 39 is every half hour time slots
40 = After 12:00AM
Percent Distribution of tours by entry and return periods

Heavy Truck Model (HTM)


Sheet Name Description
FAZ_County County-FAZ Mapping
TAZ_FAZ Identifies in which FAZ, each TAZ is located
OtherMode_Truck Determines what percentage of each mode belongs to trucks
SD_Flows Identifies all OD pairs that have at least one end in SANDAG region or passes through the SANDAG region.
FAZ_Gateway A look up table that corresponds FAF FAZ that are outside the SANDAG region to one/many SANDAG Gateways. This table also includes area code of each FAZ that is outside SANDAG region.
Commodity_Group Determines the commodity group (15 categories) to which each of the 43 commodities from the FAF data belongs.
EMP_Calc Calculate the share of each of the 3 digits NAICS employee categories withing the 19 categories SANDAG ABM employee for each of the 5 FAZs in San Diego County
EMP_Converter Provides a table that correlates SANDAG model employee categories with corresponding NAICS employee categories.
CG_Emp_P Establishes the relationship between each commodity group and the NAICS employee category for the production end.
CG_Emp_A Establishes the relationship between each commodity group and the NAICS employee category for the attraction end.
Annual_Factor Number of business days in a year.
Truck_Dist Provides the percent distribution of truck type based on OD distance.
Payload Average pounds of load that each truck type can carry based on commodity groups.
Time_of_Day Provides distribution of trucks throughout the day.
External_Count The Inbound and outbound truck counts by type at each of the 12 SANDAG gateways. For base year, this is the daily truck counts at the gateways.
SRA_Dist The overall distribution of trucks when they cross each of the gateway from/to each of the 63 SRAs. For base year this information is calculated from truck GPS data


Column Name Description
dms_orig FAF region or state where a freight movement begins the domestic portion of shipment. For imports, this is the US entry region where an import enters United States.
dms_dest FAF region or state where a freight movement ends the domestic portion of shipment. For exports, this is the US exit region where an export leaves United States.
Mode Mode used between domestic origins and destinations
Commodity 2-digit level of the Standard Classification of Transported Goods ( SCTG)
Direction Trade Direction : II or XI
Trade Trade Type : Domestic or Foreign
fr_orig Foreign region of shipment origin
fr_dest Foreign region of shipment destination
fr_inmode Mode used between a foreign region and the US entry region for the imported goods
fr_outmode Mode used between the US exit region and foreign region for the exported goods
distons_year Total weight of commodities shipped (unit: Thousand Tons) in year
disvalue_year Total value (in 2017 constant dollar) of commodities shipped (unit: Million Dollars) in year

Mode Dictionary

Numeric Label Description
1 Truck
2 Rail
3 Water
4 Air ( include truck-air)
5 Multiple modes & mail
6 Pipeline
7 Other and unknown
8 No domestic mode

Commodity Groups Dictionary

Numeric Label Description
01 Live animals/fish
02 Cereal grains
03 Other ag prods.
04 Animal feed
05 Meat/seafood
06 Milled grain prods.
07 Other foodstuffs
08 Alcoholic Beverages
09 Tobacco prods
10 Building stone
11 Natural sands
12 Gravel
13 Nonmetallic minerals
14 Metallic ores
15 Coal
16 Crude Petroleum
17 Gasoline
18 Fuel oils
19 Natural gas and other fossil products
20 Basic chemicals
21 Pharmaceuticals
22 Fertilizers
23 Chemical prods.
24 Plastics/rubber
25 Logs
26 Wood prods
27 Newsprint/paper
28 Paper articles
29 Printed prods.
30 Textiles/leather
31 Nonmetal min. prods.
32 Base metals
33 Articles-base metal
34 Machinery
35 Electronics
36 Motorized Vehicles
37 Transport equip.
38 Precision instruments
39 Furniture
40 Misc. mfg. prods.
41 Waste/scrap
43 Mixed freight


Parameters by Scenario Years


Column Name Description
year Scenario build year
aoc.fuel Auto operating fuel cost
aoc.maintenance Auto operating maitenance cost
airport.SAN.enplanements San Diego International Airport enplanements
airport.SAN.connecting San Diego International Airport connecting passengers
airport.SAN.airportMgra MGRA San Diego International Airport is located in
airport.CBX.enplanements Cross Border Express Terminal (Tijuana International Airport) enplanements
airport.CBX.connecting Cross Border Express Terminal (Tijuana International Airport) connecting passengers
airport.CBX.airportMgra MGRA Cross Border Express Terminal is located in Number of cross border tours
crossBorders.sentriShare Share of cross border tours that are SENTRI
taxi.baseFare Initial taxi fare
taxi.costPerMile Taxi cost per mile
taxi.cosPerMinute Taxi cost per minute
TNC.single.baseFare Initial TNC fare for single ride
TNC.single.costPerMile TNC cost per mile for single ride
TNC.single.costPerMinute TNC cost per minute for single ride
TNC.single.costMinimum TNC minimum cost for single ride
TNC.shared.baseFare Initial TNC fare for shared ride
TNC.shared.costPerMile TNC cost per mile for shared ride
TNC.shared.costPerMinute TNC cost per minute for shared ride
TNC.shared.costMinimum TNC minimum cost for shared ride
Mobility.AV.RemoteParkingCostPerHour Remote parking cost per hour for autonomous vehicles
active.micromobility.variableCost Variable cost for micromobility
active.micromobility.fixedCost Fixed cost for micromobility
active.microtransit.fixedCost Fixed cost for microtransit
Mobility.AV.Share The share of vehicles assumed to be autonomous vehicles in the vehicle fleet

Files by Scenario Years


Column Name Description
year Scenario build year
crossborder.dc.soa.alts.file Crossborder model destination choice alternatives file
crossBorder.dc.uec.file Crossborder model destination choice UEC file
uwsl.dc.uec.file Tour destination choice UEC file
nmdc.uec.file Non-mandatory tour destination choice UEC file Crossborder model tour mode choice UEC file
visualizer.reference.path Path to reference scenario for SANDAG ABM visualizer

Zone Terminal Time


Column Name Description
Zone TAZ number
Terminal time Terminal time (3, 4, 5, 7, 10 minutes)

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