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Model Outputs

Model outputs are stored in the .\outputs directory. The contents of the directory are listed in the table below.

Output Directory (.\output)

Directory\File Name Description
airport.CBX (directory) Outputs for Cross-Border Express Airport Ground Access Model
airport.SAN (directory) Outputs for San Diego International Airport Ground Access Model
assignment (directory) Assignment outputs
crossborder (directory) Crossborder Travel Model outputs
cvm (directory) Commercial Vehicle Model outputs
resident (directory) Resident model outputs
skims (directory) Skim outputs
visitor (directory) Visitor Model outputs
bikeMgraLogsum.csv Bike logsum file for close-together MGRAs
bikeTazLogsum.csv Bike logsum file for TAZs
datalake_metadata.yaml Metadata file for datalake reporting system
derivedBikeEdges.csv Derived bike network edge file
derivedBikeNodes.csv Derived bike network node file
derivedBikeTraversals.csv Derived bike network traversals file
runtime_summary.csv Summary of model runtime
transponderModelAccessibilities.csv Transponder model accessibilities (not used)
trip_(period).omx Trips for each time period, for assignment

Skims (.\skims)

This directory contains auto, transit, and non-motorized level-of-service matrices, also known as skims. Each file is a collection of origin destination tables of times and costs, at the TAZ level.

File Description
dest_pmsa.omx A matrix containing pseudo - metropolitan statistical area code for each destination TAZ
dest_poi.omx A matrix containing point of interest code for each destination TAZ (currently zeros)
dest_poi.omx.csv A csv file containing point of interest code for each destination TAZ (currently zeros)
impm(truck type)(toll type)_(period)_(matrixtype).txt Truck impedance matrix for truck type (ld = Light duty, lhd = light heavy duty, mhd = medium heavy duty, hhd = heavy heavy duty), toll type (n = non-toll, t = toll) and matrixtype (DU = utility, dist = distance, time = time)
maz_maz_bike.csv Bike logsums between close together MGRAs
maz_maz_walk.csv Walk times between close together MGRAs
maz_stop_walk.csv Walk times between MGRAs and transit stops
taz_pmsa_xwalk.csv Crosswalk file between pseudo-metropolitan statistical areas and TAZs
traffic_skims_(period).omx Auto skims by period (EA, AM, MD, PM, EV)
transit_skims_(period).omx Transit skims by period (EA, AM, MD, PM, EV)

Auto skims by period

TRAFFIC_SKIMS_<time period>.OMX

Table Name Description
<time_period>_<traffic_class><_vot>_TIME Travel time for evaluation of volume-delay functions
<time_period>_<traffic_class><_vot>_DIST Travel distance
<time_period>_<traffic_class><_vot>_TOLLCOST Total toll cost (only for TOLL traffic classes)
<time_period>_<traffic_class><_vot>_TOLLDIST Total distance on toll facilities (only for TOLL traffic classes)
<time_period>_<traffic_class><_vot>_MLCOST Total cost for managed lane facilities (only for TOLL traffic classes)
<time_period>_<traffic_class><_vot>_HOVDIST Distance on HOV facilities (only for HOV traffic classes)
*traffic class = SOV_TR, SOV_NT, HOV2, HOV3, TRK
vot = L (low), M (medium), and H (high)

Transit skims by period


Table Name Description
<time_period>_<transit_class>_GENCOST Total generalized cost which includes perception factors from assignment
<time_period>_<transit_class>_FIRSTWAIT actual wait time at initial boarding point
<time_period>_<transit_class>_XFERWAIT actual wait time at all transfer boarding points
<time_period>_<transit_class>_TOTALWAIT total actual wait time
<time_period>_<transit_class>_FARE fare paid
<time_period>_<transit_class>_XFERS number of transfers
<time_period>_<transit_class>_ACCWALK access actual walk time prior to initial boarding
<time_period>_<transit_class>_EGRWALK egress actual walk time after final alighting
<time_period>_<transit_class>_TOTALWALK total actual walk time
<time_period>_<transit_class>_TOTALIVTT Total actual in-vehicle travel time
<time_period>_<transit_class>_DWELLTIME Total dwell time at stops
<time_period>_<transit_class>_BUSIVTT actual in-vehicle travel time on local bus mode
<time_period>_<transit_class>_LRTIVTT actual in-vehicle travel time on LRT mode
<time_period>_<transit_class> _CMRIVTT actual in-vehicle travel time on commuter rail mode
<time_period>_<transit_class> _EXPIVTT actual in-vehicle travel time on express bus mode
<time_period>_<transit_class>_LTDEXPIVTT actual in-vehicle travel time on premium bus mode
<time_period>_<transit_class>_BRTIVTT actual in-vehicle travel time on BRT mode
*time period = EA, AM, MD, PM, EV
transit_class = LOC, PRM, MIX

ActivitySim log files

ActivitySim writes out various log files when it runs; these have standard names for each model component. Therefore we list them separately, but copies of these files may be in each model’s output directory depending upon the settings used to run ActivitySim for that model component.

File Description
activitysim.log ActivitySim log file for model
breadcrumbs.yaml Breadcrumbs provides a record of steps that have been run for use when resuming a model run
final_checkpoints.csv ActivitySim checkpoint file
final_pipeline.h5 ActivitySim pipeline file
mem.csv ActivitySim memory use log file
mem_mp_households.csv Memory logs for ActivitySim model steps running with the same num_processes (all except accessibility, initialize, and summarize)
mem_mp_initialize.csv Memory logs for ActivitySim model step initialize
mem_mp_summarize.csv Memory logs for ActivitySim model step summarize
mp_households_(processnumber)-activitysim.log ActivitySim log file for processnumber. This logfile is created if model is run in multiprocess mode
mp_households_(processnumber)-mem.csv Memory log file for processnumber
mp_households_apportion-activitysim.log ActivitySim log file for apportioning data between multiple processes
mp_households_coalesce-activitysim.log ActivitySIm logfile for coalesing output from multiple processes into one
mp_initialize-activitysim.log ActivitySim log file for the initialization steps
mp_initialize-mem.csv Memory logs for ActivitySim model step summarize (similar to mp_initialize-mem.csv)
mp_setup_skims-activitysim.log ActivitySim logfile for reading in skims
mp_summarize-activitysim.log ActivitySim log file for summarizing model output (omx and csv trip table)
mp_summarize-mem.csv Memory logs for ActivitySim model step summarize (similar to mem_mp_initialize.csv)
mp_tasks_log.txt Log files of multiprocessed steps
omnibus_mem.csv Memory log file of all model steps (similar to mem.csv)
run_list.txt List of models that have been run
timing_log.csv Model run time by steps

Airport model outputs (.\airport.CBX, .\airport.SAN)

There are two subdirectories containing outputs for each of the two airport models. airport.CBX contains output for the Cross-Border Express model, and airport.SAN contains output for the San Diego International Airport model. Each directory has identical files so we provide one generic output table below.

Filename Description
final_(airport)accessibility.csv Accessibility file for airport (cbx, san) (not used, created by default)
[final_(airport)households.csv](#### Airport Model household file (final_(airport)households.csv)) Household file for airport (cbx, san)
final_(airport)land_use.csv Land-use file for airport (cbx, san)
[final_(airport)persons.csv](#### Airport Model person file (final_(airport)persons.csv)) Persons file for airport (cbx, san)
[final_(airport)tours.csv](#### Airport Model tour file (final_(airport)tours.csv)) Tour file for airport (cbx, san)
[final_(airport)trips.csv](#### Airport Model trip file (final_(airport)trips.csv)) Trip file for airport (cbx, san)
model_metadata.yaml Datalake metadata file
autoairporttrips.(airport)_(period).omx Auto trip table for airport (CBX, SAN) by period (EA, AM, MD, PM, EV)
tranairporttrips.(airport)_(period).omx Transit trip table for airport (CBX, SAN) by period (EA, AM, MD, PM, EV)
nmotairporttrips.(airport)_(period).omx Non-motorized trip table for airport (CBX, SAN) by period (EA, AM, MD, PM, EV)

Airport Model household file (final_(airport)households.csv)

Field Description
home_zone_id Airport MGRA
sample_rate Sample rate
household_id Household ID
poverty Poverty indicator utilized for social equity reports. Percentage value where value <= 2 (200% of the Federal Poverty Level) indicates household is classified under poverty.

Airport Model person file (final_(airport)persons.csv)

Field Description
household_id Household ID
person_id Person ID

Airport Model tour file (final_(airport)tours.csv)

Field Description
tour_id Tour ID
purpose_id ID for tour type:

1 = resident business

2 = resident personal

3= visitor business

4 = visitor personal

5 = external

party_size Number of persons in airport travel party
nights Number of nights away
income Income group 0-7, -99 if employee
direction Direction of trip. String. outbound: airport to non-airport, inbound: non-airport to airport
household_id Household ID
person_id Person ID
tour_category Tour category. String "non_mandatory"
tour_type Type of tour. String. "Emp": Employee, "ext": External, "res_busn": Resident business where n is the ID for the income bracket (1<25K, 2: between 25K & 50K, 3: between 50K & 75K, 4: between 75K & 100K, 5: between 100K & 125K, 6: between 125K & 150K, 7: between 150K & 200K, 8: 200k+

, "res_pern": Resident personal where n is the ID for the income bracket as defined above, "vis_bus": Visitor business, "vis_per": Visitor personal

origin Origin MGRA
destination Destination MGRA
number_of_participants Same as party_size
outbound TRUE if outbound, else FALSE
start Half-hour time period of departure from tour origin. Periods are number 1 through 48 where period 1 starts at 3:00 AM.
end Half-hour time period of arrival back at tour origin. Periods are number 1 through 48 where period 1 starts at 3:00 AM.
duration Duration of the tour in number of half-hour periods, including all activity episodes and travel
destination_logsum Logsum from destination choice model
stop_frequency out_0in, 0out_in
primary_purpose "busn", "emp", "extn", "pern"

Airport Model trip file (final_(airport)trips.csv)

Field Description
trip_id Trip ID
person_id Person ID
household_id Household ID
primary_purpose Primary purpose of trip: "busn": Business, where n is..., "emp": Employee, "extn": External, where n is..., "pern": Personal, where n is...
trip_num 1
outbound TRUE if outbound, else FALSE
trip_count 1
destination Destination MGRA
origin Origin MGRA
tour_id Tour ID
depart Departure time period (1…48)
trip_mode Trip mode (see trip mode table)
mode_choice_logsum Mode choice logsum for trip
vot Value of time in dollars per hour ($2023)
arrival_mode Arrival mode from airport trip mode choice model
cost_parking Cost of parking ($2023)
cost_fare_drive Ridehail/Taxi fare on a trip
distance_walk Distance walked on a trip (including access/egress for transit modes)
time_mm Micromobility time
distance_mm Micromobility distance
cost_fare_mm Micromobility cost ($2023)
distance_bike Bike distance
time_wait_drive Ridehail/Taxi wait times for a trip
trip_period A string indicating the skim period for the trip (“EA”,”AM”,”MD”,”PM’,”EV”)
party Party size
tour_participants Number of joint tour participants if joint tour, else 1
distance_total Trip distance
add_driver TRUE if trip requires a driver based on airport mode (for example, TNC, or pickup), else FALSE
weight_trip 1
weight_person_trip weight_trip * tour_participants
cost_operating_drive Auto operating cost ($2023)
inbound TRUE if trip is from (origin) airport to (destination) non-airport zone, else FALSE
time_drive Auto time
distance_drive Auto distance
cost_toll_drive Auto toll cost ($2023)
time_transit_in_vehicle Transit in-vehicle time
time_rapid_transit_in_vehicle Rapid transit in-vehicle time
time_express_bus_transit_in_vehicle Express bus in-vehicle time
time_local_bus_transit_in_vehicle Local bus in-vehicle time
time_light_rail_transit_in_vehicle Light rail transit in-vehicle time
time_commuter_rail_transit_in_vehicle Commuter rail in-vehicle time
time_transit_initial_wait Transit initial-wait time
cost_fare_transit Transit fare ($2023)
transfers_transit Number of transfers
time_bike Bike time
time_walk Walk mode time
cost_total Sum of all costs a trip might incur (auto operating, toll, transit fare)
time_total Total travel time (including iIVT and access/egress and wait times for all modes)
value_of_time_category_id Value of time bin. 1: Low, 2: Medium, 3: High
sample_rate Sample rate
otaz Origin TAZ
dtaz Destination TAZ

Arrival Mode Table for Airport Models

Field Description
Curb_LOCn Pickup/Dropoff curbside (n=1,5, with 1 = terminal, and 2,5 = other locations)
TAXI_LOCn Taxi to airport (n =1,2 with 1= terminal mgra and 2=other)
RIDEHAIL_LOCn Ridehail to airport (n =1,2 with 1= terminal mgra and 2=other)
PARK_LOCn Parking lot (n=1,5, with 1 = terminal mgra and 2,5= other locations)
PARK_ESCORT Parking escort
SHUTTLEVAN Shuttle Vehicle
RENTAL Rental car
HOTEL_COURTESY Hotel transportation
WALK_LOC, WALK_PRM, WALK_MIX Walk transit modes
KNR_LOC, KNR_PRM, KNR_MIX KNR transit modes
TNC_LOC, TNC_PRM, TNC_MIX TNC transit modes

Airport Model auto demand matrices

Table Name Description
SR2_< Shared Ride 2 for <
SR3_< Shared Ride 3 for <
SOV_< Drive Alone for <

Airport Model transit demand matrices

Table Name Description

Airport Model non-motorized demand matrices

Table Name Description
WALK_< Walk for <
BIKE_< Bike for <

Assignment model trip tables (.\assignment)

This directory contains trip tables from auto and transit assignments.

Demand Matrices

File Description
autoairportTrips.(airport)_(period_(vot).omx Auto trip table for airport (CBX, SAN) by period (EA, AM, MD, PM, EV) and value of time (low, medium, high)
autocrossborderTrips_(period)_(vot).omx Auto trip table for cross border model by period (EA, AM, MD, PM, EV) and value of time (low, medium, high)
autoTrips_(period)_(vot).omx Auto trip table for resident model by period (EA, AM, MD, PM, EV) and value of time (low, medium, high)
autovisitorTrips_(period)_(vot).omx Auto trip table for visitor model by period (EA, AM, MD, PM, EV) and value of time (low, medium, high)
cvmtrips_(period).omx CVM trip table for model by period (EA, AM, MD, PM, EV) and value of time (low, medium, high)
emptyAVTrips.omx Empty private autonomous vehicle trips
householdAVTrips.csv All private autonomous vehicle trips
htmtrips_(period).omx HTM trip table for model by period (EA, AM, MD, PM, EV) and value of time (low, medium, high)
TNCTrips.csv All TNC trips
TNCVehicleTrips_(period).omx TNC vehicle trip table by period (EA, AM, MD, PM, EV)
TranairportTrips.(airport)_(period).omx Transit trip tables for airport (CBX, SAN) by period (EA, AM, MD, PM, EV)
TrancrossborderTrips_(period).omx Transit trip tables for cross-border model by period (EA, AM, MD, PM, EV)
TranTrips_(period).omx Transit trip tables for resident model by period (EA, AM, MD, PM, EV)
TranvisitorTrips_(period).omx Transit trip tables for visitor model by period (EA, AM, MD, PM, EV)
TripMatrices.csv Disaggregate commercial vehicle trips

TNC Vehicle trip demand table

Column Name Description
trip_ID Trip ID
vehicle_ID Vehicle ID
originTaz Origin TAZ
destinationTaz Destination TAZ
originMgra Origin MGRA
destinationMgra Destination MGRA
totalPassengers Number of passengers in the vehicle
startPeriod Trip starting period
endPeriod Trip ending period
pickupIdsAtOrigin Trip id of the pick-up at origin.
  Individual trips:
  "I_" + personId + "_" + purpAbb + "_" + tourid + "_" + inbound + "_" + stopid
   where purpAbb is the first 3 letters of the tour_purp field
  Joint trips:
  "J_" + hhid + "_" + purpAbb + "_" + tourid + "_" + inbound + "_" + stopid + ”_” + i
   where i is a number ranging from 1 to the total number of participants.
Visitor trips:
  partySize == 1: "V_" + tourid + "_" + stopid
  partySize > 1: "V_" + tourid + "_" + stopid + ”_” + i
   where i is a number ranging from 1 to the total number of participants.
Cross-border trips:
  partySize == 1: "M_" + tourid + "_" + stopid
  partySize > 1: "M_" + tourid + "_" + stopid + ”_” + i
   where i is a number ranging from 1 to the total number of participants.
CBX airport trips:
  partySize == 1: "CBX_" + tourid + "_" + stopid
  partySize>1: "CBX_" + tourid + "_" + stopid + ”_” + i
   where i is a number ranging from 1 to the total number of participants.
SAN airport trips:
  partySize == 1: "SAN_" + tourid + "_" + stopid
  partySize > 1: "SAN_" + tourid + "_" + stopid + ”_” + i
   where i is a number ranging from 1 to the total number of participants.
Internal-External trips:
  "IE_" + tourid + "_" + inbound
dropoffIdsAtOrigin Trip id of the drop-off at origin. See pickupIdsAtOrigin for trip id of the trip.
pickupIdsAtDestination Trip id of the pick-up at destination. See pickupIdsAtOrigin for trip id of the trip.
dropoffIdsAtDestination Trip id of the drop-off at destination. See pickupIdsAtOrigin for trip id of the trip.
originPurpose Trip origin purpose
destinationPurpose Trip destination purpose

Household autonomous vehicle trip data

Column Name Description
hh_id Household id
veh_id Vehicle id
vehicleTrip_id Vehicle trip id
orig_mgra Trip origin MGRA
dest_gra Trip destination MGRA
period Period:
1 = Before 5:00AM
2 = 5:00AM-5:30AM
3 through 39 is every half hour time slots
40 = After 12:00AM
occupants Number of occupants in the vehicle
originIsHome Is origin home
0 = No
1 = Yes
destinationIsHome Is destination home
0 = No
1 = Yes
originIsRemoteParking Is origin remote parking
0 = No
1 = Yes
destinationIsRemoteParking Is destination remote parking
0 = No
1 = Yes
parkingChoiceAtDestination Parking choice at destination:
0 = Not constrained to remote parking
1 = Park at destination
2 = Remote parking
3 = Park at home
person_id Person id
person_num Person number
tour_id Tour id
stop_id Stop id
inbound Is trip inbound
1 = Yes
0 = No
tour_purpose Tour purpose:
Eating Out
orig_purpose Origin trip purpose:
Eating Out
Work related
dest_purpose Destination trip purpose:
Eating Out
Work related
trip_orig_mgra Trip origin MGRA
trip_dest_mgra Trip destination MGRA
stop_period Stop period:
1 = Before 5:00AM
2 = 5:00AM-5:30AM
3 through 39 is every half hour time slots
40 = After 12:00AM
trip_mode Trip mode:
0 = Empty vehicle trip
1 = Drive Alone
2 = Shared Ride 2
3 = Shared Ride 3

TNC vehicle trip matrix

Table Name Description
TNC_< TNC trips for <
TNC_< TNC trips for <
TNC_< TNC trips for <
TNC_< TNC trips for <

Empty Autonomous vehicle trips data

Table Name Description
EmptyAV_EA Empty AV trips for EA period
EmptyAV_AM Empty AV trips for AM period
EmptyAV_MD Empty AV trips for MD period
EmptyAV_PM Empty AV trips for PM period
EmptyAV_EV Empty AV trips for EV period

Crossborder model outputs (.\crossborder)

This directory contains outputs from the Crossborder model, which represents all travel made by Mexico residents in San Diego County.

File Description
final_accessibility.csv Accessibility file for Crossborder Model (not used, created by default)
[final_households.csv](#### Crossborder Model household file (final_households.csv)) Household file for Crossborder Model
final_land_use.csv Land-use file for Crossborder Model
[final_persons.csv](#### Crossborder Model person file (final_persons.csv)) Persons file for Crossborder Model
[final_tours.csv](#### Crossborder Model tour file (final_tours.csv)) Tour file for Crossborder Model
[final_trips.csv](#### Crossborder Model trip file (final_trips.csv)) Tour file for Crossborder Model
model_metadata.yaml Model run meta data for use in Datalake storage and reporting
nmCrossborderTrips_AM.omx Non-motorized trip table for Crossborder Model by period (EA, AM, MD, PM, EV)
autoCrossborderTrips_AM.omx Auto trip table for Crossborder Model by period (EA, AM, MD, PM, EV)
tranCrossborderTrips_AM.omx Transit trip table for Crossborder Model by period (EA, AM, MD, PM, EV)
othrCrossborderTrips_AM.omx Other trip table for Crossborder Model by period (EA, AM, MD, PM, EV)

Crossborder Model household file (final_households.csv)

Field Description
sample_rate Sample Rate
num_persons Number of persons in travel party
origin Origin MGRA (Border crossing station)
home_zone_id Home MGRA (Border crossing station)
household_id Household ID
poverty Poverty indicator utilized for social equity reports. Percentage value where value <= 2 (200% of the Federal Poverty Level) indicates household is classified under poverty.

Crossborder Model person file (final_persons.csv)

Field Description
household_id Household ID
work_time_factor Travel time sensitivity factor for work tours
non_work_time_factor Travel time sensitivity factor for non-work tours (Sampled in person preprocessor)
origin Origin MGRA (Border crossing station)
home_zone_id Home MGRA (Border crossing station)
person_id Person ID

Crossborder Model tour file (final_tours.csv)

Field Description
tour_id Tour ID
pass_type Type of border crossing pass. String. "no_pass": Does not own a pass, "sentri": SENTRI pass, or "ready": READY pass
tour_type Tour purpose. String. "other", "school", "shop", "visit", or "work"
purpose_id Tour purpose ID. 0: work, 1: school, 2: shop, 3: visit, 4: other
tour_category Tour category. String. Mandatory: Work or school, Non-Mandatory: Shop, visit, other
number_of_participants Number of participants in tour
household_id Household ID
person_id Person ID
start Half-hour time period of departure from tour origin. Periods are number 1 through 48 where period 1 starts at 3:00 AM.
end Half-hour time period of arrival back at tour origin. Periods are number 1 through 48 where period 1 starts at 3:00 AM.
duration Duration of the tour in number of half-hour periods, including all activity episodes and travel
origin Tour origin (Border Crossing) MGRA
destination Tour primary destination MGRA
tour_od_logsum Tour origin-crossing-destination logsum
poe_id Number of border crossing station
tour_mode Tour mode
mode_choice_logsum Tour mode choice logsum
stop_frequency Number of stops on tour by direction. String. xout_yin where x is number of stops in the outbound direction and y is the number of stops in the inbound direction
primary_purpose will drop

Crossborder Model trip file (final_trips.csv)

Field Description
trip_id Trip ID
person_id Person ID
household_id Household ID
primary_purpose Purpose at primary destination. String. "other", "school", "shop", "visit", or "work"
trip_num Sequential number of trip on half-tour from 1 to 4
outbound TRUE if outbound, else FALSE
trip_count number of trips per tour. Will drop
destination Destination MGRA
origin Origin MGRA
tour_id Tour ID
purpose Purpose at trip destination. String. "other", "school", "shop", "visit", or "work"
depart Departure time period (1…48)
trip_mode Trip mode (see trip mode table)
trip_mode_choice_logsum Mode choice logsum for trip
parking_cost Parking costs at trip origin and destination, calculated as one-half of the costs at each end, with subsidies considered.
tnc_single_wait_time Wait time for single pay TNC
tnc_shared_wait_time Wait time for shared\pooled TNC
taxi_wait_time Wait time for taxi
cost_parking Cost of parking ($2023)
cost_fare_drive Taxi/TNC fare (including Taxi/TNC cost of transit access/egress) ($2023)
distance_walk Distance walked in miles (including access/egress walk distances of a transit mode)
time_mm Micromobility time
distance_mm Micromobility distance
cost_fare_mm Micromobility cost ($2023)
distance_bike Bike distance
time_wait_drive Wait times for Taxi/TNC/NEV modes
trip_period A string indicating the skim period for the trip (“EA”,”AM”,”MD”,”PM’,”EV”)
tour_participants Number of joint tour participants if joint tour, else 1
distance_total Total distance traveled on a trip
cost_operating_drive Auto operating cost ($2023)
weight_trip Trip weight defined as the ratio of number of particpants on a trip to the assumed occupancy rate of a mode (SHARED2,3)
weight_person_trip Person trip weight defined as the ratio of the number of participants on a trip to sample rate of the model run
inbound TRUE if trip is in outbound direction, else FALSE
time_drive Auto time
distance_drive Auto distance
cost_toll_drive Auto toll cost ($2023)
time_transit_in_vehicle Transit in-vehicle time
time_rapid_transit_in_vehicle Rapid transit in-vehicle time
time_express_bus_transit_in_vehicle Express bus in-vehicle time
time_local_bus_transit_in_vehicle Local bus in-vehicle time
time_light_rail_transit_in_vehicle Light rail transit in-vehicle time
time_commuter_rail_transit_in_vehicle Commuter rail in-vehicle time
time_transit_initial_wait Transit initial-wait time
cost_fare_transit Transit fare ($2023)
transfers_transit Number of transfers
time_bike Bike time
time_walk Walk mode time
cost_total Sum of all costs a trip might incur (auto operating, toll, transit fare)
time_total Total travel time (including iIVT and access/egress and wait times for all modes)
value_of_time_category_id Value of time bin. 1: Low, 2: Medium, 3: High
origin_micro_prm_dist Distance from trip origin MGRA to closest premium transit stop by microtransit
dest_micro_prm_dist Distance from trip destination MGRA to closest premium transit stop by microtransit
microtransit_orig Distance from trip origin MGRA to closest local transit stop by microtransit
microtransit_dest Distance from trip destination MGRA to closest local transit stop by microtransit
microtransit_available TRUE if microtransit is available for trip, else FALSE
nev_orig True if Neighborhood Electric Vehicle is available at origin
nev_dest True if Neighborhood Electric Vehicle is available at destination
nev_available TRUE if Neighborhood Electric Vehicle is available, else FALSE
microtransit_access_available_out TRUE if microtransit is available from the origin, else FALSE
nev_access_available_out TRUE if neighborhood electric vehicle is available from the origin, else FALSE
microtransit_egress_available_out Availability of microtransit egress in the outbound direction
nev_egress_available_out Availability of NEV egress in the outbound direction
microtransit_access_available_in Availability of microtransit access in the inbound direction
nev_access_available_in Availability of NEV egress in the inbound direction
microtransit_egress_available_in Availability of microtransit egress in the inbound direction
nev_egress_available_in Availability of microtransit egress in the outbound direction
sample_rate Sample rate
otaz Origin TAZ
dtaz Destination TAZ

Crossborder Model Tour Mode Definitions

Field Description
DRIVEALONE Drive alone
SHARED2 Shared ride with 2 participants
SHARED3 Shared ride with 3+ participants

Crossborder Model auto demand matrices

Table Name Description
SR2_< Shared Ride 2 for <
SR3_< Shared Ride 3 for <
SOV_< Drive Alone for <

Crossborder Model transit demand matrices

Table Name Description

Crossborder Model non-motorized demand matrices

Table Name Description
WALK_< Walk for <
BIKE_< Bike for <

Commercial Vehicle Model (.\cvm)

This directory contains San Diego commercial travel model outputs.

File Description
final_commercial_accessibility.csv contains the commercial vehicle accessibility by category for each zone
final_cv_trips.csv contains the commercial vehicle trips by Origin-Destination, trip purpose and travel time
final_establishments.csv details of the establishments generated for each zone
final_households.csv information of the households which attract CVM trips
final_land use.csv land use information of the MGRA Zones
final_routes route information of CVM trips
final_trips Final trip-based CVM summary
Trip Tables (where TOD is AM, MD, PM or EV)
cvmtrips_TOD.omx contains the commercial vehicle trips of the TOD, has three components (modes): Car, light truck, medium truck and heavy truck

CVM commercial accessibility file

Field Description
estab_acc_estab_group1 Establishments access to establishment customer attractions:establishment_attraction_ret + establishment_attraction_whl + establishment_attraction_mfg
estab_acc_estab_group2 Establishments access to establishment customer attractions:establishment_attraction_iut + establishment_attraction_laf
estab_acc_estab_group3 Establishments access to establishment customer attractions:establishment_attraction_agm + establishment_attraction_con + establishment_attraction_epo + establishment_attraction_mhs + establishment_attraction_trn
estab_acc_estab_group4 Establishments access to establishment customer attractions:establishment_attraction_ifr
tnc_acc_estab_all TNC access to establishment customer attractions (all industries)
estab_acc_hh_food Establishment access to household food delivery attractors
estab_acc_hh_package Establishment access to household package delivery attractors
estab_acc_logsum Establishment accessibility logsum (total establishment attractors – visits to non-residential customers of all types)
household_acc_logsum Household accessibility logsum (total household attractors – visits to residential customers)
accessibility estab_acc_logsum + household_acc_logsum
acc_hh_goods Accessibility to households for goods delivery only
zone_id The MGRA id of the zone

CVM trips file

Field Description
route_id the route id on which the trip is assigned to
route_trip_num the number of trips on the route_id
trip_origin origin zone (MGRA) of the trip
trip_destination destination zone (MGRA) of the trip
trip_origin_purpose purpose of the stop at the origin of the trip:

• base - return to establishment

• goods_delivery - deliver goods

• goods_pickup - pickup goods

• home - go to driver's home

• maintenance - maintenance (refueling, vehicle maintenance, driver breaks/meals)

• service - provide a service

terminate - end route (vehicle day), go to terminal destination chosen for route

trip_destination_purpose purpose of the stop at the destination of the trip:

• base - return to establishment

• goods_delivery - deliver goods

• goods_pickup - pickup goods

• home - go to driver's home

• maintenance - maintenance (refueling, vehicle maintenance, driver breaks/meals)

• service - provide a service

terminate - end route (vehicle day), go to terminal destination chosen for route

trip_destination_type attraction land use type at the destination:

• base - establishment location (any land use type)

• warehouse - warehouse, distribution center land use type

• intermodal - airport, seaport, rail intermodal land use type

• commercial - commercial land use type (not warehouse or intermodal)

• residential - residential land use type

trip_start_time start time of the trip (half-hour intervals counted from beginning)
trip_travel_time travel time (in motion time) of the vehicle during the trip
dwell_time resting/dwelling time of the vehicle during the trip (stop duration)
route_elapsed_time total time elapsed during the trip (trip_travel_time + dwell_time)
cv_trip_id the unique trip id of the cv trip (route_id + route_trip_num)

CVM establishments file

Field Description
industry_number The category of industry that the establishment belongs to range from 1 to 12
industry_name The name of the industry that the establishment belongs to (EPO, AGM, CON etc.)
LUZ Land Use Zone ( TAZ Number)
zone_id MGRA Number
employees The number of employees in the establishment
size_class The categorized size of the establishment based on the number of employees (range: 1-7)
sample_rate the percentage of sample selected (generally 1)
has_attraction TRUE if the zone has trip attraction, otherwise FALSE
attractions number of trip attractions by the establishment
has_generation TRUE if the zone has trip generation, otherwise FALSE
n_routes number of routes the establishment generated
accessibility Total accessibility to household + establishment attractions
establishment_id unique id of the establishment

CVM establishments_all file

Field Description
industry_number The category of industry that the establishment belongs to range from 1 to 12
industry_name The name of the industry that the establishment belongs to (EPO, AGM, CON etc.)
LUZ Land Use Zone ( TAZ Number)
zone_id MGRA Number
employees The number of employees in the establishment
size_class The categorized size of the establishment based on the number of employees (range: 1-7)
sample_rate the percentage of sample selected (generally 1)
attractions number of trip attractions by the establishment
industry_group Range 1-5
beta_industry_group Parameter used in the establishment attractions model
constant Parameter used in the establishment attractions model
has_attraction_probability Intermediate result of establishments attractor model. Probability that the establishment will have deliveries or service stops
random Random number used in attraction generation calculations
has_attraction TRUE if the zone has trip attraction, otherwise FALSE
establishment_id unique id of the establishment

CVM households file

Field Description
home_zone_id MGRA of the household
income annual household income
hhsize household size
HHT household type (ranges 1-7)
auto_ownership number of vehicles owned by the household
num_workers number of workers in the household
sample_rate the percentage of sample selected (generally 1)
num_adults number of adults in the household
num_nonworker_adults number of non-working adults in the households
num_children number of children in the household
has_attraction_food TRUE if the household attracts food delivery trips, otherwise FALSE
has_attraction_package TRUE if the household attracts package delivery trips, otherwise FALSE
has_attraction_service TRUE if the household attracts service trips, otherwise FALSE
household_id unique household id

CVM land_use file

Field Description
mgra MGRA id
taz TAZ number
luz_id LUZ id
pop population of the zone
hhp total household population ( excluding GQ population )
hh number of households in the zone
hhs average household size
gq_civ GQ Civilian
gq_mil GQ Military
i10 number of households with income $200,000 or more
emp_gov Government employment
emp_mil Military employment
emp_ag_min Agriculture and mining employment
emp_bus_svcs Business services employment
emp_bus_svcs Business services employment
emp_fin_res_mgm Finance and Resource Management employment
emp_educ Education employment
emp_hlth Health employment
emp_ret Retail employment
emp_trn_wrh Transportation and warehouse employment
emp_con Construction employment
emp_utl Utilities employment
emp_mnf Manufacturing employment
emp_whl Wholesale employment
emp_ent Entertainment employment
emp_accm Accomodation employment
emp_food Food employment
emp_oth Other employment
emp_non_ws_wfh Non-wage and salary work from home employment
emp_non_ws_oth Non-wage and salary other employment
emp_total Total employment
pseudomsa Pseudo MSA -

1: Downtown

2: Central

3: North City

4: South Suburban

5: East Suburban

6: North County West

7: North County East

8: East County

enrollgradekto8 Grade School K-8 enrollment
enrollgrade9to12 Grade School 9-12 enrollment
othercollegeenroll Other College Enrollment
hotelroomtotal Total Number of hotel rooms
parkactive Acres of active park
openspaceparkpreserve Acres of Open Park or Preserve
beachactive Acres of active beaches
district27 District 27
milestocoast Distance in miles to the nearest coast
acres Total acres in the MGRA
land_acres Acres of land in the MGRA
effective_acres Effective acres in the MGRA
truckregiontype Truck Region type
exp_hourly Hourly Parking Expenditure
exp_daily Daily Parking Expenditure
exp_monthly Monthly Parking Expenditure
parking_type Parking choice at destination:

0 = Not constrained to remote parking

1 = Park at destination

2 = Remote parking

3 = Park at home

parking_spaces Number of parking spaces available
ech_dist Elementary school district
hch_dist High School district
remoteAVParking Remote AV parking available at MGRA:

0 = Not available

1 = Available

refueling_stations Number of refueling stations in the MGRA
MicroAccessTime Micro-mobility access time (mins)
microtransit Number of micro transit facilities
nev Number of EV Charging stations
toint Total Intersection
duden Dwelling unit density
empden Employment density
popden Population density
retempden Retail Employment density
totintbin Total Intersection Bin
empdenbin Employment density bin
dudenbin Dwelling unit density per bin
PopEmpDenPerMi Population and employment density per mile
poe_id Port of Entry ID ( not used by CVM)
external_work number of workers if an external zone
external_nonwork number of nonworkers if an external zone
external_TAZ is an external TAZ ( 1 if true, 0 if false)
external_MAZ is an external MAZ ( 1 if true, 0 if false)
walk_dist_local_bus walking distance ( in miles) to nearest local bus
walk_dist_premium_transit walking distance ( in miles) to premium transit
micro_dist_local_bus micro district distance to local bus
micro_dist_premium_transit micro district distance to premium transit
ML_DIST distance in miles to managed lanes
AVGTTS Average travel time savings for all households in each zone across all possible destinations
PCTDETOUR Percent detour is the percent difference between the AM transponder travel time and the AM non-transponder travel time to sample zones when the general-purpose lanes parallel to all toll lanes using transponders are unavailable
terminal_time Terminal Time (0,3,4,5,7,10 minutes)
num_hh_food_delivery Number of households which attract food deliveries
num_hh_package_delivery Number of households which attract package deliveries
num_hh_service Number of households which attract service trips
establishment_attraction Attraction of establishments
establishment_attraction_agm Attraction of establishments for agriculture and mining
establishment_attraction_con Attraction of establishments for construction
establishment_attraction_epo Attraction of establishments for education
establishment_attraction_ifr Attraction of establishments for information, real estate, finance,professional services
establishment_attraction_iut Attraction of establishments for industrial and utilities
establishment_attraction_laf Attraction of establishments for leisure, accommodations, and food
establishment_attraction_mfg Attraction of establishments for manufacturing
establishment_attraction_mhs Attraction of establishments for medical and health services
establishment_attraction_mil Attraction of establishments for military
establishment_attraction_ret Attraction of establishments for retail trade
establishment_attraction_trn Attraction of establishments for transportation and warehousing
establishment_attraction_whl Attraction of establishments for wholesale trade
is_port TRUE if the zone is a port, otherwise FALSE
zone_id MGRA id

CVM final_routes file

Field Description
establishment_id Establishment ID ( Industry ID )
business_type Name of the industry
route_purpose Primary purpose of the route:

• Goods - pickup and/or deliver goods

• Service - provide services to customers

• Maintenance - vehicle maintenance or driver business

customer_type Type of the customer ( residential; non-residential; mixed)
vehicle_type Type of the vehicle (LV, MUT, SUT)
is_tnc TRUE if route is a TNC, otherwise FALSE
vehicle_type_abm3 Type of the vehicle ( Passenger car, LHDU, MHDU, and HHDU)
random Random number used in route generation calculations
start_time Start Time ( half-hour intervals )
route_start_time_period_ Start time period
origin_stop_type Origin Stop Type:

• base - establishment location (any land use type)

• warehouse - warehouse, distribution center land use type

• commercial - commercial land use type (not warehouse)

• residential - residential land use type

origination_zone Origin Zone for start of route
destination_stop_type Destination Stop Type:

• base - establishment location (any land use type)

• warehouse - warehouse, distribution center land use type

• commercial - commercial land use type (not warehouse)

• residential - residential land use type

terminal_zone Destination Zone for termination of route
route_id unique route id ( or trip id )

CVM final_trips file

Field Description
route_id the route id on which the trip is assigned to
route_trip_num the number of trips on the route_id
trip_origin origin zone (MGRA) of the trip
trip_destination destination zone (MGRA) of the trip
trip_destination_purpose purpose of the trip:

• base - return to establishment

• goods_delivery - deliver goods

• goods_pickup - pickup goods

• home - go to driver's home

• maintenance - maintenance (refueling, vehicle maintenance, driver breaks/meals)

• service - provide a service

• terminate - end route (vehicle day), go to terminal destination chosen for route

trip_destination_type attraction land use type at the destination:

• base - establishment location (any land use type)

• warehouse - warehouse, distribution center land use type

• intermodal - airport, seaport, rail intermodal land use type

• commercial - commercial land use type (not warehouse or intermodal)

• residential - residential land use type

trip_start_time start time of the trip (half hour intervals counted from beginning)
trip_travel_time travel time ( in motion time ) of the vehicle during the trip
dwell_time resting/dwelling time of the vehicle during the trip
route_elapsed_time total time elapsed during the trip ( trip_travel_time + route_trip_num)
cv_trip_id the unique trip id of the cv trip (route_id + route_trip_num)
taz_origin origin zone ( TAZ ) of the trip
taz_destination destination zone (TAZ) of the trip
vehicle_type Vehicle types: DRIVEALONE ( passenger car), LHGT, MHDT, or HHDT
tod Start time period of the trip ( ABM3 categories)
distanceDrive Trip distance, from traffic_skims_MD
costTollDrive Trip toll cost, from traffic_skims_MD
costOperatingDrive Trip operating costs (cents)

Resident model outputs (.\resident)

This directory contains San Diego resident travel model outputs.

File Description
cdap_joint_spec_(persons).csv Model specification file for coordinated daily activity pattern model joint tour alternative for (persons)-way interaction terms
cdap_spec_(persons).csv Model specification file for coordinated daily activity pattern model for (persons)-way interaction terms.
data_dict.csv Data dictionary for resident model, csv format
data_dict.txt Data dictionary for resident model, text format
final_accessibility.csv Resident model aggregate accessibility file
final_disaggregate_accessibility.csv Resident model disaggregate accessibility file at MGRA level
[final_households.csv](#### Resident Model household file (final_households.csv)) Resident model household file
[final_joint_tour_participants.csv](#### Resident Model joint tour participants file (final_joint_tour_participants.csv)) Resident model joint tour participants file
final_land_use.csv Resident model land-use file
[final_persons.csv](#### Resident Model vehicle file (final_vehicles.csv)) Resident model persons file
final_proto_disaggregate_accessibility.csv Resident model disaggregate accessibility file at person level
[final_tours.csv](#### Resident Model tour file (final_tours.csv)) Resident model tour file
[final_trips.csv](#### Resident Model trips file (final_trips.csv)) Resident model trip file
[final_vehicles.csv](#### Resident Model vehicle table (final_vehicles.csv)) Resident model vehicle file
log (directory) Directory for resident model logging output
model_metadata.yaml Resident model Datalake metadata file
autoTrips_[tod]_[vot].omx Residential Auto Trip Matrix for 5 time periods (tod = EA, AM, MD, PM, EV) and three value of time bins (vot = low, med, high)
tranTrips_[tod].omx Residential Transit Trip Matrix for 5 time periods (tod = EA, AM, MD, PM, EV)
nmotTrips_[tod].omx Residential Non-motorized Trip Matrix for 5 time periods (tod = EA, AM, MD, PM, EV)
skim_usage.txt Skim usage file
trace (directory) Directory for resident model trace output

Resident Model household file (final_households.csv)

Field Description
home_zone_id Household MGRA - same as mgra
income Household income in dollars ($2023)
hhsize Number of persons in household
HHT Household dwelling unit type. 0: N/A (GQ/vacant), 1: Married couple household, 2: Other family household: Male householder no spouse present, 3: Other family household: Female householder no spouse present, 4: Nonfamily household: Male householder living alone, 5: Nonfamily household: Male householder: Not living alone, 6: Nonfamily household: Female householder: Living alone, 7: Nonfamily household: Female householder: Not living alone
auto_ownership (Model output) Auto ownership
num_workers Number of workers in household
building_category Units in structure. 0: N/A (GQ), 1: Mobile home or trailer, 2: One-family house detached, 3: One-family house attached, 4: 2 Apartments, 5: 3-4 Apartments, 6: 5-9 Apartments, 7: 10-19 Apartments, 8: 20-49 Apartments, 9: 50 or more apartments, 10: Boat, RV, van, etc.
unittype Household unit type. 0: Non-GQ Household, 1: GQ Household (used in Visualizer)
sample_rate Sample rate for household
income_in_thousands Household income in thousands of dollars ($2023)
income_segment Household income segment (1-4)
num_non_workers Number of non-workers in household
num_drivers Number of persons age 16+
num_adults Number of persons age 18+
ebike_owner TRUE if household owns an e-bike, else FALSE (output from e-bike owership simulation)
av_ownership TRUE if household owns an autonomous vehicle, else FALSE (output from AV Ownership Model)
workplace_location_accessibility Work location choice logsum (output from Disaggregate Accessibility Model)
shopping_accessibility Shopping primary destination choice logsum (output from Disaggregate Accessibility Model)
othdiscr_accessibility Other Discretionary primary destination choice logsum (output from Disaggregate Accessibility Model)
numAVowned Number of autonomous vehicles owned by household (output from Vehicle Type Choice Model)
transponder_ownership TRUE if household owns a transponder, else FALSE (output from Transponder Ownership Model)
has_joint_tour 1 if household has at least one fully joint tour, else false (output from Coordinated Daily Activity Pattern Model)
num_under16_not_at_school Number of persons age less than 16 who do not attend school (output from Coordinated Daily Activity Pattern Model)
num_travel_active Number of persons in household who have an active (type M or N) travel pattern (output from Coordinated Daily Activity Pattern Model)
num_travel_active_adults Number of adults in household who have an active (type M or N) travel pattern (output from Coordinated Daily Activity Pattern Model)
num_travel_active_preschoolers Number of preschool children in household who have an active (type M or N) travel pattern (output from Coordinated Daily Activity Pattern Model)
num_travel_active_children Number of children in household who have an active (type M or N) travel pattern (output from Coordinated Daily Activity Pattern Model)
num_travel_active_non_preschoolers Number of non-preschoolers household in who have an active (type M or N) travel pattern (output from Coordinated Daily Activity Pattern Model)
participates_in_jtf_model TRUE if household has a joint tour frequency model, else FALSE (output from Coordinated Daily Activity Pattern Model)
school_escorting_outbound Alternative number for school escort model in the outbound direction (initial output from School Escort Model)
school_escorting_inbound Alternative number for school escort model in the inbound direction (output from School Escort Model)
school_escorting_outbound_cond Alternative number for school escort model in the outbound direction (final output from School Escort Model)
auPkRetail Auto peak access to retail employment from household TAZ (aggregate accessibility output)
auPkTotal Auto peak access to total employment from household TAZ (aggregate accessibility output)
auOpRetail Auto offpeak access to retail employment from household TAZ (aggregate accessibility output)
auOpTotal Auto offpeak access to total employment from household TAZ (aggregate accessibility output)
trPkRetail Transit peak access to retail employment from household TAZ (aggregate accessibility output)
trPkTotal Transit peak access to total employment from household TAZ (aggregate accessibility output)
trPkHH Transit peak access to total employment from household (aggregate accessibility output)
trOpRetail Transit offpeak access to retail employment from household TAZ (aggregate accessibility output)
trOpTotal Transit offpeak access to total employment from household TAZ (aggregate accessibility output)
nmRetail Walk access to retail employment from household TAZ (aggregate accessibility output)
nmTotal Walk access to total employment from household TAZ (aggregate accessibility output)
microtransit Microtransit access time in household MGRA
nev Neighborhood electric vehicle access time in household MGRA
mgra Household MGRA - same as home_zone_id
TAZ Household TAZ
micro_dist_local_bus Distance to closest local bus stop from household MGRA by microtransit, if available. 999999 if not available.
micro_dist_premium_transit Distance to closest premium transit stop from household MGRA by microtransit, if available. 999999 if not available.
joint_tour_frequency_composition Joint tour frequency and composition model choice (output from Joint Tour Frequency\Composition Model)
num_hh_joint_tours Number of fully joint tours at the household level (0, 1 or 2) (output from Coordinated Daily Activity Pattern Model and Joint Tour Frequency\Composition Models)
household_id Household ID
poverty Poverty indicator utilized for social equity reports. Percentage value where value <= 2 (200% of the Federal Poverty Level) indicates household is classified under poverty.

Resident Model person file (final_persons.csv)

Field Description
household_id Household ID
age Person age in years
PNUM Person number in household (1…n where n is number of persons in household)
sex 1: Male, 2: Female
pemploy Employment status of person. 1: Employed Full-Time, 2: Employed Part-Time, 3: Unemployed or Not in Labor Force, 4: Less than 16 Years Old
pstudent Student status of person. 1: Pre K-12, 2: College Undergrad+Grad and Prof. School, 3: Not Attending School
ptype Person type 1: Full-time worker 2: Part-time worker 3: College\University Student 4: Non-Working Adult 5: Retired 6: Driving-age student 7: Non-driving age student 8: Pre-school\Age <=5
educ Educational attainment. 1: No schooling completed, 9: High school graduate, 13: Bacehlor's degree
soc2 Two-digit Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) codes (
is_student Person is a K12 or college student
school_segment School location choice model's segment a student belongs to (preschool, grade school, high school, university)
is_worker Person is a full-time or part-time worker
is_internal_worker TRUE if worker works internal to region, else FALSE (output from Internal-External Worker Identification Model)
is_external_worker TRUE if worker works external to region, else FALSE (output from Internal-External Worker Identification Model)
home_zone_id Household MGRA
time_factor_work Travel time sensitivity factor for work tours
time_factor_nonwork Travel time sensitivity factor for non-work tours (Sampled in person preprocessor)
naics_code Two-digit NAICS code (
occupation Occupation String
work_from_home TRUE if worker and works from home, else FALSE (output from Work From Home Model)
is_out_of_home_worker TRUE if worker has a usual out of home work location, else FALSE (output from Work From Home Model)
external_workplace_zone_id MGRA number of external workplace if external worker, else -1 (output from External Workplace Location Choice Model)
external_workplace_location_logsum Location choice logsum for external workplace location choice model (output from External Workplace Location Choice Model)
external_workplace_modechoice_logsum Mode choice logsum for mode choice from external workplace location choice model (output from External Workplace Location Choice Model)
school_zone_id MGRA number of school location, else -9 (output from School Location Choice Model)
school_location_logsum Location choice logsum for school location choice model, else -9 (output from School Location Choice Model)
school_modechoice_logsum Mode choice logsum for mode choice from school location choice model, else -9 (output from School Location Choice Model)
distance_to_school Distance to school if student, else -9 (output from School Location Choice Model)
roundtrip_auto_time_to_school Round trip offpeak auto time to school, else -9 (output from School Location Choice Model)
workplace_zone_id MGRA number of internal work location, else -9 (output from Internal Work Location Choice Model)
workplace_location_logsum Location choice logsum for work location choice model, else -9 (output from Internal Work Location Choice Model)
workplace_modechoice_logsum Mode choice logsum for mode choice from work location choice model, else -9 (output from Internal Work Location Choice Model)
distance_to_work Distance to work if internal worker with work location, else -9 (output from Internal Work Location Choice Model)
work_zone_area_type Area type of work zone for worker if internal worker with work location, else -9 (output from Internal Work Location Choice Model)
auto_time_home_to_work Peak auto time from home to work if internal worker with work location, else -9 (output from Internal Work Location Choice Model)
roundtrip_auto_time_to_work Round trip auto travel time to and from work
work_auto_savings Travel time savings as a result of using auto vs. walk-transit mode
exp_daily_work Expected daily cost of parking at work if internal worker with work location, else -9 (output from Internal Work Location Choice Model)
non_toll_time_work Time from home to work for path without I-15, if worker with internal workplace, else -9
toll_time_work Time from home to work for path with I-15, if worker with internal workplace, else -9
toll_dist_work Travel distance for work using a tolled route
toll_cost_work Toll cost for going to work
toll_travel_time_savings_work Work travel time savings for using tolled vs. non-tolled routes
transit_pass_subsidy 1 if person has subsidized transit from their employer or school, else 0 (Output from Transit Subsidy Model)
transit_pass_ownership 1 if person owns a transit pass, else 0 (Output from Transit Pass Ownership Model)
free_parking_at_work TRUE if person has free parking at work, else FALSE (Output from Free Parking Model)
telecommute_frequency Telecommute frequency if worker who does not work from hom, else null (Output from Telecommute Frequency Model) String "No_Telecommute", "1_day_week", "2_3_days_week", "4_days_week"
cdap_activity Coordinated daily activity pattern type (Output from Coordinated Daily Activity Pattern Model) String "M": Mandatory pattern, "N": Non-mandatory pattern, "H": Home or out of region pattern
travel_active TRUE if activity pattern is "M" or "N", else FALSE (Output from Coordinated Daily Activity Pattern Model)
num_joint_tours Total number of fully joint tours (Output from Fully Joint Tour Participation Model)
non_mandatory_tour_frequency Non-Mandatory Tour Frequency Model Choice (Output from Non-Mandatory Tour Frequency Chopice Model)
mandatory_tour_frequency Mandatory Tour Frequency Model Choice if worker or student, else null (Output from Mandatory Tour Frequency Model). String "work1": 1 work tour, "work2" 2 work tours, "school1: 1 school tour, "school2" 2 school tours, "work_and_school": 1 work and 1 school tour
num_non_mand Total number of non-mandatory tours (Output from School Escort Model, Non-Mandatory Tour Frequency Model, and At-Work Subtour Model)
num_mand Total number of mandatory tours (Output from Mandatory Tour Frequency Model)
num_escort_tours Total number of escorting tours (Output from School Escort Model and Non-Mandatory Tour Frequency Model)
num_eatout_tours Total number of eating out tours (Output from Non-Mandatory Tour Frequency Model)
num_shop_tours Total number of shopping tours (Output from Non-Mandatory Tour Frequency Model)
num_maint_tours Total number of other maintenance tours (Output from Non-Mandatory Tour Frequency Model)
num_discr_tours Total number of discretionary tours (Output from Non-Mandatory Tour Frequency Model)
num_social_tours Total number of social\visiting tours (Output from Non-Mandatory Tour Frequency Model)
num_work_tours Total number of work tours (Output from Mandatory Tour Frequency Model)
num_add_shop_maint_tours Total number of additional shopping and maintenance tours (Output from Non-Mandatory Tour Frequency Extension Model)
num_add_soc_discr_tours Total number of additional social\visiting and other discretionary tours (Output from Non-Mandatory Tour Frequency Extension Model)
person_id Person ID
miltary 1 if serves in the military, else 0
grade School grade of person: 0 = N/A (not attending school), 2 = K to grade 8, 5 = Grade 9 to grade 12, 6 = College undergraduate
weeks Weeks worked during past 12 months 0: N/A (less than 16 years old/did not work during the past 12 .months) 1: 50 to 52 weeks worked during past 12 months 2: 48 to 49 weeks worked during past 12 months 3: 40 to 47 weeks worked during past 12 months 4: 27 to 39 weeks worked during past 12 month 5: 14 to 26 weeks worked during past 12 months 6: 13 weeks or less worked during past 12 months
hours Usual hours worked per week past 12 months

0: .N/A (less than 16 years old/did not work during the past .12 months), 1..98 .1 to 98 usual hours, 99 .99 or more usual hours

race Recoded detailed race code 1: .White alone, 2: Black or African American alone, 3: American Indian alone, 4: Alaska Native alone, 5: American Indian and Alaska Native tribes specified; or .American Indian or Alaska Native, not specified and no other races, 6: Asian alone, 7: Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone, 8: Some Other Race alone, 9: Two or More Races
hispanic Hispanic flag: 1: Non-Hispanic, 2: Hispanic

Resident Model vehicle file (final_vehicles.csv)

Field Description
vehicle_id Vehicle ID
household_id Household ID
vehicle_num Vehicle number in household from 1…n where n is total vehicles owned by household
vehicle_type String bodytype_age_fueltype
auto_operating_cost Auto operating cost for vehicle ($2023 cents/mile)
Range Range if electric vehicle, else 0
MPG Miles per gallen for vehicle
vehicle_year Year of vehicle
vehicle_category String, Body type (Car, Motorcycle, Pickup, SUV, Van. Autonomous vehicles have _AV extension on body type)
num_occupants Number of occupants in the vehicle
fuel_type String. BEV: Battery electric vehicle, Diesel, Gas, Hybrid: Gas\Electric non plug-in vehicle, PEV: Plug-in hybrid electric vehicle

Resident Model joint tour participants file (final_joint_tour_participants.csv)

Field Description
participant_id Participant ID
tour_id Tour ID
household_id Household ID
person_id Person ID
participant_num Sequent number of participant 1…n where n is total number of participants in joint tour

Resident Model tour file (final_tours.csv)

Field Description
tour_id Tour ID
person_id Person ID
tour_type Purpose string of the primary activity on the tour: For home-based tours, the purposes are: “work”, “school”, “escort”, “shopping”, “othmaint”, “eatout”, “social”, and “othdiscr”. For work-based subtours, the purposes are “business”, “eat”, and “maint”.
tour_type_count The total number of tours within the tour_type
tour_type_num The sequential number of the tour within the tour_category. In other words if a person has 3 tours; 1 work tour and 2 non-mandatory tours, the tour_type_num would be 1 for the work tour, 1 for the first non-mandatory tour and 2 for the second non-mandatory tour.
tour_num Sequential tour ID number for a person
tour_count Total number of tours per person
tour_category The category string of the primary activity on the tour. “mandatory”, “joint”, “non_mandatory”, “atwork”
number_of_participants Number of participants on the tour for fully joint tours, else 1
destination MGRA number of primary destination
origin MGRA number of tour origin
household_id Household ID
start Half-hour time period of departure from tour origin. Periods are number 1 through 48 where period 1 starts at 3:00 AM.
end Half-hour time period of arrival back at tour origin. Periods are number 1 through 48 where period 1 starts at 3:00 AM.
duration Duration of the tour in number of half-hour periods, including all activity episodes and travel
school_esc_outbound For school tours where the child is being escorted according to the school pickup/dropoff model, this string field indicates the type of escorting in the outbound direction: “pure_escort” or “rideshare”
school_esc_inbound For school tours where the child is being escorted according to the school pickup/dropoff model, this string field indicates the type of escorting in the inbound direction: “pure_escort” or “rideshare”
num_escortees Number of children being escorted on this tour (max of outbound and inbound direction)
tdd Tour departure and duration. Index of the tour departure and durarion alterntive configs
composition Composition of tour if joint “adults”, “children”
is_external_tour TRUE if primary destination activity is external to region, else FALSE
is_internal_tour Whether tour is internal
destination_logsum Logsum from tour destination choice model
vehicle_occup_1 Tour vehicle with occupancy of 1
vehicle_occup_2 Tour vehicle with occupancy of 2
vehicle_occup_3_5 Tour vehicle with occupancy of 3+
tour_mode Tour mode string
mode_choice_logsum Logsum from tour mode choice model
selected_vehicle Selected vehicle from vehicle type choice model; a string field consisting of [Body type][age][fuel type] and an optional extension “_AV” if the vehicle is an autonomous vehicle
atwork_subtour_frequency At-work subtour frequency choice model result; a string field with the following values: “no_subtours”, “business1”, “business2”, “eat”, “eat_business”, “maint”, or blank for non-work tours.
parent_tour_id Parent tour ID if this is a work-based subtour, else 0
stop_frequency Stop frequency choice model result; a string value of the form [0…n]out_[0…n]in where the first number is the number of outbound stops and the second number is the number of inbound stops
primary_purpose Recoding of tour_type where all atwork subtours are identified as “atwork” regardless of destination purpose

Resident Model trip file (final_trips.csv)

Field Description
trip_id Trip ID
person_id Person ID
household_id Household ID
primary_purpose Primary purpose of tour (see tour table)
trip_num Sequential number of trip by direction (1…n where n is maximum trips on half-tour, e.g. max stops + 1)
outbound TRUE if trip is in the outbound direction, else FALSE
destination MGRA of trip destination
origin MGRA of trip origin
tour_id Tour ID
escort_participants Space delimited string field listing person IDs of other children escorted on this trip, else null
school_escort_direction String field indicating whether child is being dropped off at school (“outbound”) or picked up from school (“inbound”). “null” if not a child being picked up or dropped off.
purpose Purpose at destination
destination_logsum Logsum from trip destination choice model. -9 if destination is tour origin or primary destination.
depart Departure time period (1…48)
trip_mode Trip mode string
mode_choice_logsum Logsum from trip mode choice model
vot Value of time for trip in dollars per hour ($2023)
owns_transponder True if household owns transponder. Same as ownTrp
totalWaitSingleTNC Wait time for single pay TNC
totalWaitSharedTNC Wait time for shared\pooled TNC
s2_time_skims HOV2 travel time
s2_dist_skims HOV3 travel distance
s2_cost_skims HOV2 travel toll cost
cost_parking Parking costs at trip origin and destination, calculated as one-half of the costs at each end, with subsidies considered.
cost_fare_drive Taxi/TNC fare for any trip or trip portion taken on these modes
distance_walk Distance walked on a trip (including access/egress for transit modes)
time_mm Micromobility time
distance_mm Micromobility distance
cost_fare_mm Micromobility cost ($2023)
distance_bike Bike distance
time_wait_drive Waiting time for a TNC/ Taxi modes
parking_zone MGRA from parking location choice model at destination, else -1
trip_period A string indicating the skim period for the trip (“EA”,”AM”,”MD”,”PM’,”EV”)
tour_participants Number of joint tour participants if joint tour, else 1
distance_total Trip distance in miles
cost_operating_drive Auto operating cost ($2023)
weight_trip Trip weight defined as the ratio of number of particpants on a trip to the assumed occupancy rate of a mode (SHARED2,3)
weight_person_trip Person trip weigth defined as the ratio of the number of particpants on a trip to sample rate of the model run
inbound TRUE if trip is in the inbound direction, else FALSE
time_drive Auto time
distance_drive Auto distance
cost_toll_drive Auto toll cost ($2023)
time_transit_in_vehicle Transit in-vehicle time
time_rapid_transit_in_vehicle Rapid transit in-vehicle time
time_express_bus_transit_in_vehicle Express bus in-vehicle time
time_local_bus_transit_in_vehicle Local bus in-vehicle time
time_light_rail_transit_in_vehicle Light rail transit in-vehicle time
time_commuter_rail_transit_in_vehicle Commuter rail in-vehicle time
time_transit_initial_wait Transit initial-wait time
cost_fare_transit Transit fare before subsidy ($2023)
transfers_transit Number of transfers
time_bike Bike time
time_walk Walk mode time
cost_total total cost of a trip (sum of auto operating, toll, transit fare)
time_total Total time (sum of drive, bike, walk, initial transit wait, transit time, transit transfer))
time_transit_wait Total transit wait time (initial, transfer, NEV wait, waiting for school bus)
value_of_time_category_id Value of time bin. 1: Low, 2: Medium, 3: High
origin_micro_prm_dist Distance from trip origin MGRA to closest premium transit stop by microtransit
dest_micro_prm_dist Distance from trip destination MGRA to closest premium transit stop by microtransit
microtransit_orig Distance from trip origin MGRA to closest local transit stop by microtransit
microtransit_dest Distance from trip destination MGRA to closest local transit stop by microtransit
microtransit_available TRUE if microtransit is available for trip, else FALSE
nev_orig Availability of Neighborhood Electric vehicle at origin
nev_dest Availability of Neighborhood Electric vehicle at destination
nev_available TRUE if neighborhood electric vehicle is available, else FALSE
microtransit_access_available_out TRUE if microtransit is available from the origin, else FALSE
nev_access_available_out TRUE if neighborhood electric vehicle is available from the origin, else FALSE
microtransit_egress_available_out Availability of microtransit egress in the outbound direction
nev_egress_available_out Availability of NEV egress in the outbound direction
microtransit_access_available_in Availability of microtransit access in the inbound direction
nev_access_available_in Availability of NEV egress in the inbound direction
microtransit_egress_available_in Availability of microtransit egress in the inbound direction
nev_egress_available_in Availability of microtransit egress in the outbound direction
trip_veh_body Body type of vehicle used for trip, else “null”
trip_veh_age Age of vehicle used for trip, else “null”
trip_veh_fueltype Fuel type of vehicle used for trip, else “null”
origin_purpose Purpose at origin
sample_rate Sample rate
origin_parking_zone MGRA from parking location choice model at trip origin, else -1
otaz Origin TAZ
dtaz Destination TAZ

Resident Model tour mode definitions

Field Description
DRIVEALONE Drive alone
SHARED2 Shared ride with 2 participants
SHARED3 Shared ride with 3+ participants
WALK_LOC Local transit with walk access/egress mode
WALK_PRM Premium transit with walk access/egress mode
WALK_MIX Mix (local with premium transfers) transit with walk access/egress mode
PNR_LOC Local transit with Park&ride access or egress mode
PNR_PRM Premium transit with Park&ride access or egress mode
PNR_MIX Mix (local with premium transfers) transit with Park&ride access or egress mode
KNR_LOC Local transit with Kiss&ride access or egress mode
KNR_PRM Premium transit with Kiss&ride access or egress mode
KNR_MIX Mix (local with premium transfers) transit with Kiss&ride access or egress mode
TNC_LOC Local transit with TNC access or egress mode
TNC_PRM Premium transit with TNC access or egress mode
TNC_MIX Mix (local with premium transfers) transit with TNC access or egress mode
TNC_SINGLE Private TNC ride
TNC_SHARED Shared TNC ride
SCH_BUS School bus
EBIKE E-bike
ESCOOTER E-scooter

Resident Model auto demand matrices

Table Name Description
SOVNOTRPDR_< Drive Alone Non-Transponder for <
SOVTRPDR_< Drive Alone Transponder for <
SR2NOTRPDR_< Shared Ride 2 Non-Transponder for <
SR2TRPDR_< Shared Ride 2 Transponder for <
SR3NOTRPDR_< Shared Ride 3 Non-Transponder for <
SR3TRPDR_< Shared Ride 3 Transponder for <

Resident Model transit demand matrices

Table Name Description
<transit_class>_GENCOST__< Total generalized cost which includes perception factors from assignment
<transit_class>_FIRSTWAIT__< actual wait time at initial boarding point
<transit_class>_XFERWAIT__< actual wait time at all transfer boarding points
<transit_class>_TOTALWAIT__< total actual wait time
<transit_class>_FARE__< fare paid
<transit_class>_XFERS__< number of transfers
<transit_class>_ACCWALK__< access actual walk time prior to initial boarding
<transit_class>_EGRWALK__< egress actual walk time after final alighting
<transit_class>_TOTALWALK__< total actual walk time
<transit_class>_TOTALIVTT__< Total actual in-vehicle travel time
<transit_class>_DWELLTIME__< Total dwell time at stops
<transit_class>_BUSIVTT__< actual in-vehicle travel time on local bus mode
<transit_class>_LRTIVTT__< actual in-vehicle travel time on LRT mode
<transit_class> _CMRIVTT__< actual in-vehicle travel time on commuter rail mode
<transit_class> _EXPIVTT__< actual in-vehicle travel time on express bus mode
<transit_class>_LTDEXPIVTT__< actual in-vehicle travel time on premium bus mode
<transit_class>_BRTIVTT__< actual in-vehicle travel time on BRT mode
*time period = EA, AM, MD, PM, EV
transit_class = BUS, ALLPEN, PREM

Resident Model non-motorized demand matrices

Table Name Description
WALK_< Walk for <
BIKE_< Bike for <

Heavy Truck Model (.\htm)

This directory contains San Diego heavy truck model outputs.

File Description
htmtrips_(period).omx ((period) = EA, AM, MD, PM, EV) HTM trips of (period), by mode (Light, Medium or Heavy trucks) and type of trip (IE, EI or EE)
Htmsummary_files.xlsx OD-based HTM trip tables by Mode (Light, Medium or Heavy trucks)
final_trips.csv Aggregate all HTM trips by TAZ and truck type

Heavy Truck Model Trip File ( htmsummary_files.xlsx )

Field Description
Light OD-based HTM trip tables for light trucks (LHDT)
Medium OD-based HTM trip tables for medium trucks (MHDT)
Heavy OD-based HTM trip tables for heavy trucks (HHDT)

Heavy Truck Model Trip File ( final_trips.csv )

Field Description
taz_p origin zone (TAZ) of the trip
taz_a destination zone (TAZ) of the trip
Truck_Type Truck type (Light, Medium and High trucks)
tod Start time period of the trip (ABM3 time periods)
trips Sum of trips for corresponding TAZ and Truck Type
distanceDrive Trip distance, from traffic_skims_MD
timeDrive Trip time, from traffic_skims_MD
costTollDrive Trip toll cost, from traffic_skims_MD
costOperatingDrive Trip operation cost

Visitor model outputs (.\visitor)

This directory contains outputs from the overnight visitor model.

File Description
[final_households.csv](#### Visitor Model household file (final_households.csv)) Visitor model household file
final_land_use.csv Visitor model land-use file
[final_persons.csv](#### Visitor Model person file (final_persons.csv)) Visitor model person file
[final_tours.csv](#### Visitor Model tour file (final_tours.csv)) Visitor model tour file
[final_trips.csv](#### Visitor Model trip file (final_trips.csv)) Visitor model trip file
model_metadata.yaml Visitor model Datalake metadata file
nmotVisitortrips_(period).omx Visitor model non-motorized trips by period (EA, AM, MD, PM, EV)
autoVisitortrips_(period).omx Visitor model auto trips by period (EA, AM, MD, PM, EV)
transVisitortrips_(period).omx Visitor model transit trips by period (EA, AM, MD, PM, EV)

Visitor Model household file (final_households.csv)

Field Description
home_zone_id Home MGRA
sample_rate Sample rate
household_id Household ID
poverty Poverty indicator utilized for social equity reports. Percentage value where value <= 2 (200% of the Federal Poverty Level) indicates household is classified under poverty.

Visitor Model person file (final_persons.csv)

Field Description
household_id Household ID
home_zone_id Home MGRA
person_id Person ID

Visitor Model tour file (final_tours.csv)

Field Description
tour_id Tour ID
tour_type Type of tour. String. "dining", "recreation", or "work"
purpose_id Type of tour. 0: work, 1: "dining, 2: "recreation"
visitor_travel_type Visitor purpose. String. "business" or "personal"
tour_category Tour category. All tour categories in the visitor model are "non-mandatory"
number_of_participants Number of participants on tour
auto_available Auto availability indicator 0: not available, 1: available
income Income 0 - 4
origin Tour origin MGRA
tour_num Sequential number of tour 1 to n where n is total number of tours
tour_count Number of tours per person
household_id Household ID
person_id Person ID
start Half-hour time period of departure from tour origin. Periods are number 1 through 48 where period 1 starts at 3:00 AM.
end Half-hour time period of arrival back at tour origin. Periods are number 1 through 48 where period 1 starts at 3:00 AM.
duration Duration of the tour in number of half-hour periods, including all activity episodes and travel
destination Tour primary destination MGRA
destination_logsum Tour destination choice logsum
tour_mode Tour mode
mode_choice_logsum Tour mode choice logsum
stop_frequency Number of stops on tour by direction. String. xout_yin where x is number of stops in the outbound direction and y is the number of stops in the inbound direction
primary_purpose Primary purpose of a tour. String (recreation, dining, work)

Visitor Model trip file (final_trips.csv)

Field Description
trip_id Trip ID
person_id Person ID
household_id Household ID
primary_purpose Purpose at primary destination of tour. String. "dining", "recreation", or "work"
trip_num Sequential number of trip on half-tour from 1 to 4
outbound TRUE if outbound, else FALSE
trip_count Number of trips in a tour
destination Destination MGRA
origin Origin MGRA
tour_id Tour ID
purpose Destination purpose. String. "dining", "recreation", or "work"
destination_logsum Destination choice logsum
depart Departure time period (1…48)
trip_mode Trip mode (see trip mode table)
trip_mode_choice_logsum Mode choice logsum for trip
vot_da will drop
vot_s2 will drop
vot_s3 will drop
parking_cost Parking costs at trip origin and destination, calculated as one-half of the costs at each end, with subsidies considered.
tnc_single_wait_time Wait time for single pay TNC
tnc_shared_wait_time Wait time for shared\pooled TNC
taxi_wait_time Wait time for taxi
cost_parking Cost of parking ($2023)
cost_fare_drive Taxi/TNC fare for any trip or trip portion taken on these modes
distance_walk Distance walked on a trip (including access/egress for transit modes)
time_mm Micromobility time
distance_mm Micromobility distance
cost_fare_mm Micromobility cost ($2023)
distance_bike Bike distance
time_wait_drive Ridehail/Taxi wait times for a trip
trip_period A string indicating the skim period for the trip (“EA”,”AM”,”MD”,”PM’,”EV”)
tour_participants Number of tour participants
distance_total Trip distance
cost_operating_drive Auto operating cost ($2023)
weight_trip Trip weight defined as the ratio of number of particpants on a trip to the assumed occupancy rate of a mode (SHARED2,3)
weight_person_trip Person trip weigth defined as the ratio of the number of particpants on a trip to sample rate of the model run
vot Value of time in dollars per hour ($2023)
inbound TRUE if trip is in outbound direction, else FALSE
time_drive Auto time
distance_drive Auto distance
cost_toll_drive Auto toll cost ($2023)
time_transit_in_vehicle Transit in-vehicle time
time_rapid_transit_in_vehicle Rapid transit in-vehicle time
time_express_bus_transit_in_vehicle Express bus in-vehicle time
time_local_bus_transit_in_vehicle Local bus in-vehicle time
time_light_rail_transit_in_vehicle Light rail transit in-vehicle time
time_commuter_rail_transit_in_vehicle Commuter rail in-vehicle time
time_transit_initial_wait Transit initial-wait time
cost_fare_transit Transit fare ($2023)
transfers_transit Number of transfers
time_bike Bike time
time_walk Walk mode time
cost_total total cost of a trip (sum of auto operating, toll, transit fare)
time_total Total travel time (including iIVT and access/egress and wait times for all modes)
value_of_time_category_id Value of time bin. 1: Low, 2: Medium, 3: High
origin_micro_prm_dist Distance from trip origin MGRA to closest premium transit stop by microtransit
dest_micro_prm_dist Distance from trip destination MGRA to closest premium transit stop by microtransit
microtransit_orig Distance from trip origin MGRA to closest local transit stop by microtransit
microtransit_dest Distance from trip destination MGRA to closest local transit stop by microtransit
microtransit_available TRUE if microtransit is available for trip, else FALSE
nev_orig True if Neghoborhood Electric Vehicle is available at origin
nev_dest True if Neghoborhood Electric Vehicle is available at destination
nev_available TRUE if neighborhood electric vehicle is available, else FALSE
microtransit_access_available_out TRUE if microtransit is available from the origin, else FALSE
nev_access_available_out TRUE if neighborhood electric vehicle is available from the origin, else FALSE
microtransit_egress_available_out Availability of microtransit egress in the outbound direction
nev_egress_available_out Availability of NEV egress in the outbound direction
microtransit_access_available_in Availability of microtransit access in the inbound direction
nev_access_available_in Availability of NEV egress in the inbound direction
microtransit_egress_available_in Availability of microtransit egress in the inbound direction
nev_egress_available_in Availability of microtransit egress in the outbound direction
sample_rate Sample rate
otaz Origin TAZ
dtaz Destination TAZ

Visitor model’s tour mode choice definitions

Field Description
DRIVEALONE Drive alone
SHARED2 Shared ride with 2 participants
SHARED3 Shared ride with 3+ participants
WALK_LOC Local transit with walk access/egress mode
WALK_PRM Premium transit with walk access/egress mode
WALK_MIX Mix (local with premium transfers) transit with walk access/egress mode
TNC_SINGLE Private TNC ride
TNC_SHARED Shared TNC ride

Visitor Model auto demand matrices

Table Name Description
SR2_< Shared Ride 2 for <
SR3_< Shared Ride 3 for <
SOV_< Drive Alone for <

Visitor Model transit demand matrices

Table Name Description

Visitor Model non-motorized demand matrices

Table Name Description
WALK_< Walk for <
BIKE_< Bike for <

Trip Mode Definitions

Field Description
DRIVEALONE Drive alone
SHARED2 Shared ride with 2 participants
SHARED3 Shared ride with 3+ participants
WALK_LOC Local transit with walk access/egress mode
WALK_PRM Premium transit with walk access/egress mode
WALK_MIX Mix (local with premium transfers) transit with walk access/egress mode
PNR_LOC Local transit with Park&ride access or egress mode
PNR_PRM Premium transit with Park&ride access or egress mode
PNR_MIX Mix (local with premium transfers) transit with Park&ride access or egress mode
KNR_LOC Local transit with Kiss&ride access or egress mode
KNR_PRM Premium transit with Kiss&ride access or egress mode
KNR_MIX Mix (local with premium transfers) transit with Kiss&ride access or egress mode
TNC_LOC Local transit with TNC access or egress mode
TNC_PRM Premium transit with TNC access or egress mode
TNC_MIX Mix (local with premium transfers) transit with TNC access or egress mode
TNC_SINGLE Private TNC ride
TNC_SHARED Shared TNC ride
SCH_BUS School bus
EBIKE E-bike
ESCOOTER E-scooter