Electric Vehicle Rebates ΒΆ
One of the policies that SANDAG planners would like to test for the 2025 Regional Plan is providing rebates for low- and middle-income households to purchase electric vehicles. One of the variables in the vehicle type choice model is the new purchase price for a vehicle of a given age, body type, and fuel type. The way the EV rebate is implemented in ABM3 is by deducting the appropriate rebate value for plugin and battery vehicles if a household meets the criteria (based on percentage of the federal poverty level). To configure the rebate values and poverty level thresholds, new constants were added to the common/constants.yaml configuration file. The constants fit into the policy as follows:
Fuel Type | LowIncomeEVRebateCutoff < Household Poverty Level <= MedIncomeEVRebateCutoff |
Household Poverty Level <= LowIncomeEVRebateCutoff |
BEV | MedIncomeBEVRebate |
LowIncomeBEVRebate |
PEV | MedIncomePEVRebate |
LowIncomePEVRebate |
For example, if the following policy were to be tested…
Fuel Type | 300-400% Federal Poverty Limit | 300% Federal Poverty Limit or lower |
BEV | $2,000 | $6,750 |
PEV | $1,000 | $3,375 |
…then the constants would need to be set as follows:
LowIncomeEVRebateCutoff: 3
MedIncomeEVRebateCutoff: 4
LowIncomeBEVRebate: 6750
LowIncomePEVRebate: 3375
MedIncomeBEVRebate: 2000
MedIncomePEVRebate: 1000